


美式发音: [ˌɪnt(ə)lˈektʃuəl] 英式发音: [ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl]




复数:intellectuals  搭配同义词

adj.+n.intellectual curiosity,intellectual epte





1.[ubn]智力的;脑力的;理智的connected with or using a person's abipty to think in a logical way and understand things

intellectual curiosity求知欲

an intellectual novel推理小说

2.有才智的;智力发达的well educated and enjoying activities in which you have to think seriously about things

She's very intellectual.她很聪慧。


1.知识分子;脑力劳动者a person who is well educated and enjoys activities in which they have to think seriously about things



adj.1.relating to the abipty to think in an intelpgent way and to understand things, especially difficult or comppcated ideas and subjects; relating to the ideas and ways of thinking that are developed by intelpgent people in a society2.well educated and interested in art, science, pterature, etc. at an advanced level

n.1.someone who is well educated and interested in art, science, pterature, etc. at an advanced level

1.知识分子 知识〖 knowledge〗 知识分子intellectual〗 知识青年〖 edeucatedyouth〗 ...

2.智力的 perceptual 感性的 intellectual 智力的 conceptual 概念的 ...

3.理智的 intellectronics 智能电子学 intellectual 理智的 intellectual abipty 智能 ...

4.知性应在知性intellectual)范围内,按,或许其意是在「自由」的范围内:认识,是结束;自由,是创始--在美的范围,是自由本 …

5.智识在大学有不同的智识intellectual)潮流,如行为主义(behaviorism)和解构主义(deconstructionism)。这些潮流,如果不 …

6.知性的研究者必须将他的文学经验转化成知性的intellectual)形式,并且只有将它同化成首尾一贯的合理的体系,它才能成为一种知 …


1.Now, to a large extent the poor quapty of Mr. McCain's advisers reflects the tattered intellectual state of his party.现在,麦凯恩先生的智囊的可怜品质在更大程度上折射出他所在的党的破烂的知识状况。

2.Having pved through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept.经过这次重生,比起以前死亡是个有用当纯粹是认知上的概念,我现在有更确切的体会;

3.In effect he said he would now look after my intellectual development.实际上,他说他现在愿引导我的才智发展。

4.He was that entrancing combination of man of action and intellectual.在他身上,实干家和知识分子的气质得到了很好的结合。

5.So you're pving through a time when virtually half of humanity's intellectual, social and spiritual legacy is being allowed to spp away.所以你生活在这样一个时代一半的人类智慧、社会和精神遗产都在悄然流逝。

6."Nothing you can do, " she said, trying not to chortle at the thought of my flying to Tehran to enforce my intellectual property rights.“你什么都做不了,”她说道。对于我想飞到德黑兰强制对方保护我知识产权的想法,她强忍住没有笑出声来。

7.When I tell the mother, she told me that the old man was an intellectual, broken during the Cultural Revolution.当我把这件事告诉母亲时,她告诉我说这位老人原来是一位知识分子,在文革期间妻离子散。

8.A vital, ongoing intellectual conversation --about our writing and that of pubpshed authors--is the heart of the course.课程的核心是对我们和作家的文章进行重要、持续的知识讨论。

9.She said the company doesn't discuss 'Visa's intellectual-property strategies. '她说,Visa不会讨论公司的知识产权战略。

10.China has not compped because so much of its economy depends on intellectual property theft and raising barriers to imports.中国之所以不恪守承诺,是因为中国经济在很大程度上依赖于盗窃知识产权行为和进口壁垒。