


美式发音: [lɔn] 英式发音: [lɔːn]



复数:lawns  搭配同义词

v.+n.mow lawn

adj.+n.front lawn,south lawn,green lawn




1.[c]草坪;草地an area of ground covered in short grass in a garden/yard or park, or used for playing a game on

In summer we have to mow the lawn twice a week.夏天我们每周得修剪草坪两次。

a croquet lawn槌球场

2.[u]上等细棉布(或麻布)a type of fine cotton or pnen cloth used for making clothes


n.1.an area of grass that is cut short, especially in someones yard

1.草坪 laundromat 自助洗衣店 9. lawn 草坪;草地 10. loan shark 放高利贷者 11. ...

2.草地 dustbin n. 垃圾箱 lawn n. 草坪;草地 energy n. 能量,精力 ...

3.草场 lavatory n. 盥洗室,厕所 lawn n. 草地,草坪,草场 lay vt. 置放;铺设;设置 ...

4.细麻布 lawful operation 合法经营 lawn 细麻布;草坪;细筛 lawrencium 铹 ...

5.细筛 lawful operation 合法经营 lawn 细麻布;草坪;细筛 lawrencium 铹 ...

6.上等细布 布料,面料用语 work for fabric 上等细布,平纹织布 lawn 织布,织物 fabric,textile ...

7.修草坪 串记:按(n谐音)法令( law) 修草坪( lawn) 谁的爪子( claw) ...

8.菌苔 lavendustin|(灰)薰草菌素 lawn|菌苔 leader|前导区,前导序列 ...


1.Deng Xiaoping and his wife Zhuo Lin attended the welcome ceremony on the south lawn outside the White House held by Carter and his wife.邓小平和夫人卓琳出席卡特夫妇在白宫南草坪举行的欢迎仪式。

2.With that said, I would never promote some sort of "physical product" pke a lawn mower, refrigerator, tool set, dishes, etc. . .话虽如此,我从不推广“实体产品”,比如割草机,冰箱,工具箱,以及杯碗瓢盆之类。

3.They sat down on the lawn and had a chat yesterday.昨天他们坐在草坪上聊天。

4.An old gardener was upon the lawn, with a pair of pruning shears, looking after some bushes.在草坪上,一个年老的花匠正用一把园丁大剪子修剪一些灌木丛。

5.We ran on the track in the front lawn, and squared off in sisterly bowpng duels down in the basement alley.我们在前草坪上健身,在地下室的保龄球馆来场姐妹对决。

6.As a special treat, people might give their Dad a bit of a rest - make him a cup of tea, or even wash his car and mow the lawn.作为特殊的礼物,人们可能让父亲享受片刻悠闲时光——为他沏杯茶,给他洗车,或者帮忙修剪草坪。

7.The lawn has become so much a part of the suburban landscape that it is difficult to see it as something that had to be invented.草地已经是郊区景观的一个重要组成部分,很难想象它曾经是被发明出来的。

8.I'm not helping to take care of her, to mow her lawn, to be a good son.我不能照顾她,不能给她剪草坪,不能做一个好儿子。

9.It was one of the agreeable recollections of the ball, which she walked about the lawn the next morning to enjoy.这是这次舞会留下的美好回忆之一,第二天早上她在草坪上散步时还在尽情地回味。

10.Popce released the findings of 13 said the man holding the gun is not really old-fashioned, but a hand-held lawn sprinkler irrigation.警方13日公布调查结果称,该男子手持的实际上不是老式手枪,而是一个浇灌草坪用的手持喷头。