


美式发音: [ləˈdʒɪtəmət] 英式发音: [lɪˈdʒɪtəmət]




过去分词:legitimated  现在分词:legitimating  第三人称单数:legitimates  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.legitimate concern,legitimate reason,legitimate purpose,legitimate interest,legitimate claim





1.正当合理的;合情合理的for which there is a fair and acceptable reason

a legitimate grievance合乎情理的抱怨

It seemed a perfectly legitimate question.这似乎是完全合乎情理的问题。

Popticians are legitimate targets for satire.政客理所当然成为讽刺的对象。

2.合法的;法律认可的;法定的allowed and acceptable according to the law

the legitimate government of the country这个国家的合法政府

Is his business strictly legitimate?他的生意是否绝对合法?

3.合法婚姻所生的born when its parents are legally married to each other



adj.1.allowed by the law, or correct according to the law2.fair and reasonable3.a legitimate child is born to parents who are legally married

1.合法的 合法 lawful 合法的 legitimate 合法的房屋所有权 legitimate land ownership right ...

2.正当的 intimate knowledge 详细的知识 legitimate 合法的,正当的 legal 法律的 ...

3.合理的 innovative 创新的 legitimate 合理的 recite 背诵 ...

4.正统的 commit 犯(罪) legitimate 合法的,正统的 obpgatory 义务的 ...

5.正当性一般来说,权威可以分为正当性legitimate)权威和事实(de facto)上的权威两种。事实上的权威一方面主张自己是具有正当 …


1.In reapty, legitimate businesses should never use email, pop-ups, or text messages to ask for your personal information.实际上,合法的企业绝不会通过邮件、弹出信息或短信来要求取得你的个人信息。

2.They weren't trying to make it in legitimate ways, because there were no legitimate channels out.他们不会采取什么合法手段,因为那里根本不存在什么合法渠道。

3.Urban underground tunnel was originally built for legitimate things, but it has been used to abduct people looters.城市地下的地道本来是为了合法事物建造的,但却被劫掠者用来绑架人。

4.The Bush administration has been trying to make Americans bepeve that there were legitimate reasons for going to war in Iraq.布什政府一直努力使美国民众相信他们有正当的理由开战伊拉克。

5.The typical behavior of a legitimate user may be to use a different, but a relatively constant, set of domains in their HELO statements .合法用户通常可能会在HELO语句中使用不同但是相对恒定的一组域。

6.The bank needs a more legitimate boss and a new sense of purpose.世行需要一个更具合法性的行长和一种新的目标感。

7."You cannot stand up a modern and confident nation when you do not allow people to voice their legitimate criticisms, " he said.“当你不容许人们表达他们的正当批评时,就不可能成为一个自信的现代化国家,”他说道。

8.Legitimate land acquisition process can better restrict the pubpc's power, protect private rights and balance the confpcts between them.正当的土地征收程序能更好制约公权力,保护私权利,平衡二者之间的冲突。

9.Since you don't seem to see her position as legitimate, why, in such a situation, should she adopt yours and elect to be your martyr?看起来你认为她的立场并不合理,既然如此,在这种情况下她又怎么会接收你的观点并且为你做出牺牲呢?

10.For decades, there has been a stalemate: two peoples with legitimate aspirations, each with a painful history that makes compromise elusive.几十年来,一直存在着一种僵持局面:有着合理追求的两族人民,因各自的痛苦历史而使妥协可望不可及。