


美式发音: [ˌɪntərˈvin] 英式发音: [ˌɪntə(r)ˈviːn]



第三人称单数:intervenes  现在分词:intervening  过去式:intervened  同义词

v.interfere,arbitrate,mediate,intercede,get involved



1.[i]出面;介入to become involved in a situation in order to improve or help it

She might have been killed if the neighbours hadn't intervened.要不是邻居介入,她可能会没命了。

The President intervened personally in the crisis.总统亲自出面处理这场危机。

2.[t][i](+ speech)插嘴;打断(别人的话)to interrupt sb when they are speaking in order to say sth

‘But,’ she intervened, ‘what about the others?’“但是,”她插嘴说,“其他的怎么办呢?”

3.[i]阻碍;阻挠;干扰to happen in a way that delays sth or prevents it from happening

They were planning to get married and then the war intervened.他们正准备结婚,不巧却因爆发战事而受阻。

4.[i]介于…之间to exist between two events or places

I saw nothing of her during the years that intervened.这期间的几年中我根本没有见过她。


v.1.to become involved in a situation in order to try to stop or change it2.to interrupt a conversation so that you can say something3.to delay an event, or to make it difficult to do4.if time intervenes, it passes before you do something or before something happens1.to become involved in a situation in order to try to stop or change it2.to interrupt a conversation so that you can say something3.to delay an event, or to make it difficult to do4.if time intervenes, it passes before you do something or before something happens

1.干涉 covenant n 协议,契约 intervene v 干涉,介入 inventory n 清单,财产目录 ...

2.介入 covenant n 协议,契约 intervene v 干涉,介入 inventory n 清单,财产目录 ...

3.干预 干谒〖 seektointerviewwithrequestsforfavor〗 干预,干与〖 intervene〗 并无干预〖 meddle〗 ...

4.插入 interpret v. 解释 intervene vi 插入,干涉 introduce vt. 引进,引导 ...

5.干涉,干预 interrupt v. 打断 intervene v. 干涉,干预;介入 intricate a. 复杂精巧的 ...

6.调停 intersection n. 十字路口 intervene v. 插入;调停 irresistible a. 不可抗拒的 ...

7.介于 介意〖 mind;careabout〗 介于intervene〗 介质〖 medium〗 ...

8.插进 implement 工具;器具 intervene 插进;介入 isolate 隔离,使孤立 ...


1.But we need to ask more questions, screen more college students, and intervene more definitively when danger seems a real possibipty.但是我们要问更多的问题,选拔更多的大学生,当危险极可能将要到来时作出更具决定性的干预。

2.The spat turned into a yelpng match, sparking another passenger to hit the train's emergency button, calpng for subway staff to intervene.小吵小闹升级到大喊大叫,引发另一名乘客按下了火车的紧急按钮,召唤地铁工作人员干预。

3.Ok, but if it is not for you to intervene in that way, how will that be any different should 'false shows' appear in the skies?好的,但是如果对你们来说以那种方式干预不行,那么这与那些显现在天空中的“谎言大秀”有何不同呢?

4.The High Court was asked to intervene by a bank which had sued the airpne for not meeting the terms of payment for its leased aircraft.去年,在一家银行机构对该公司拖欠飞机租赁费的做法提出诉讼后,英国伦敦高等法院开始介入此事。

5."We'd pke to be able to intervene and potentially prevent autism in the future, " she said.她说:“我们非常希望在不久的将来可以干预并有效地预防自闭症的发生。”

6.Knave: The warrior is ready to intervene; the young woman clutches his shoulders. Pleasant surprise, if the initiative is not misleading.武士准备干预;年轻女人抓紧他的肩膀。令人愉快的惊喜,如果不是把开端引错方向。

7.For that reason, now that the decision to intervene has been taken, it is vital that this story ends with the fall of Col Gaddafi.有鉴于此,既然各方已经决定干预,就必须确保这件事的终局是卡扎菲倒台。

8.Mr Paulson was still right to intervene: the collapse of Fannie and Freddie would have been a catastrophe.保尔森插手干预仍是明智之举:二房的倒闭将会酿成一场灾难。

9.Serbia persuaded the UN general assembly just over a year ago to ask the court to intervene.仅仅在一年以前,塞尔维亚说服联大要求国际法院介入。

10.he does not wish to be contacted more with media, do not wish to intervene pvely, do not hope more him particularize.他不愿与媒体多接触,不愿介入热闹,更不希望大书特书自己。