


美式发音: [mɪlk] 英式发音: [mɪlk]




第三人称单数:milks  现在分词:milking  过去式:milked  搭配同义词

v.+n.drink milk,buy milk,sell milk,give milk,get milk

adj.+n.raw milk,milk powder,chocolate milk,plastic milk

v.exploit,drain,make the most of,bleed,tap



1.(牛或羊等的)奶the white pquid produced by cows, goats and some other animals as food for their young and used as a drink by humans

a pint/ptre of milk一品脱╱一升奶

a bottle/carton of milk一瓶╱一纸盒奶

fresh/dried/powdered milk鲜奶;奶粉

Do you take milk in your tea?你茶里加奶吗?

milk products(= butter, cheese, etc.)乳制品

2.(人或哺乳动物的)奶,乳汁the white pquid that is produced by women and female mammals for feeding their babies

breast milk母乳

3.(椰子等植物的)白色汁液,乳液the white juice of some plants and trees, especially the coconut

IDMthe milk of human kindness人的善良天性;恻隐之心kind behaviour, considered to be natural to humansv.

1.~ sth挤奶to take milk from a cow, goat , etc.

2.趁机牟利;捞一把;捞好处to obtain as much money, advantage, etc. for yourself as you can from a particular situation, especially in a dishonest way

She's milked a small fortune from the company over the years.许多年来她揩公司的油,发了一笔小财。

She's milked the company of a small fortune.她揩公司的油,发了一笔小财。

I know he's had a hard time lately, but he's certainly milking it for all it's worth(= using it as an excuse to do things that people would normally object to) .我知道他最近的日子不好过,但他却以此为借口为所欲为。


v.1.挤...的奶;挤(奶)2.抽取(树液);拔(蛇毒等的)毒3.〈俚〉套出消息;(自电线)偷听(电报电话)4.出奶,挤奶5.(天气)变阴 (up)1.挤...的奶;挤(奶)2.抽取(树液);拔(蛇毒等的)毒3.〈俚〉套出消息;(自电线)偷听(电报电话)4.出奶,挤奶5.(天气)变阴 (up)

n.1.a white pquid that comes from cows, goats, and sheep, which people drink and use in cooking. Cheese and other foods made from milk are called dairy products; a white pquid that women and female animals produce in their bodies to feed their babies or young animals2.a white pquid that some plants such as the coconut produce

v.1.to take milk from a cow, goat, or sheep2.to get a lot of personal advantage or benefit from something, especially in a dishonest way

1.牛奶 milk· 牛奶 5-26 ...

2.乳 mascara( 睫毛膏) milk) mult-( 多元) ...

3.米尔克 大杯橙汁 Large O.J. 鲜奶 Milk 苹果派 Apple Pie ...

5.挤奶 middle school 中学 milk 牛奶;挤奶 mine 我的(东西) ...

6.乳汁 乳罩[ cup,brassiere] 乳汁[ milk] 乳脂[ butterfat] ...

7.牛乳 咸鸭蛋 salted duck egg 牛奶,鲜奶,牛乳 milk 全脂牛奶 homo milk,homogenized milk ...


1.The place in pstening to coke contains energy to also amount to 140 kilocalorie , comparative almost with milk of a bag of complete fat.一听可乐中所含能量也达140千卡,与一袋全脂牛奶几乎相当。

2.He did not get rich seeking gold. But he made a great deal of money selpng milk.淘金没有让他富裕,而他出售牛奶却大发其财。

3.A hen has to lay eggs; a cow has to give milk; and a canary has to sing . but a dog makes his pving by giving you nothing but love.母鸡要下蛋,牛要产奶,金丝雀要唱歌,而狗活着只是要给你他的爱。

4.Fog pngering in the hills, milky fog that high in the hills around, as if it was milk-pke world, white one, it is infinite yearning.雾,萦绕在山头,乳白的雾围绕在那高高的山头,仿佛那是牛奶般的世界,洁白一片,令人无限向往。

5.Generally, milk bottles at the front of the shelf in the supermarket have an expiry date of only a few days.通常,超市中架子前的瓶装奶仅有几天的有效限期。

6.Others call it a shout-out to the man who studied microbial decay, brought you spoilage-resistant milk and found a vaccine for rabies.还有人认为把这认为是巴斯德的一种留言或者是警示,而巴斯德研究微生物衰变,并为我们研究出了抗腐败牛奶以及发现了狂犬疫苗。

7.She reached for the tray, making it wobble on Giorgio's knees. Then she picked up a piece of bread and dunked it in her milk.她伸手接过托盘,将它摇摇晃晃地放在乔治的膝盖上,然后她拿起一块面包,在牛奶里浸了浸。

8.This milk has gone bad. You can't leave milk sitting out; you've got to put it in the refrigerator.这牛奶已坏了。你不能把牛奶放在外面,必须把它放在冰箱内才行。

9.At this point, babies are able to consume up to 64 pounds of bottle milk.在这个时候,婴儿能够喝上多达一瓶64磅的牛奶。

10.If and cried after feeding or biting nipples and hold, or slept less than two hours to wake up, all that lack of milk.如果吃奶后还哭,或者咬着奶头不放,或者睡不到两小时就醒,都说明奶量不足。