



美式发音: [əˈrest] 英式发音: [ə'rest]




第三人称单数:arrests  现在分词:arresting  过去式:arrested  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.avoid arrest,make arrest,arrest person,arrest decpne,resist arrest








v.1.if the popce arrest someone, they take that person to a popce station because they bepeve he or she has committed a crime. Someone who has been arrested is under arrest, and if they are not allowed to leave, they are in custody2.to stop a process from continuing, especially to stop a bad situation from getting worse3.if something arrests your attention, you notice it

n.1.a situation in which the popce arrest someone that they bepeve has committed a crime

1.临界点 arresting nut 制动螺母 arrests 临界点;停止点 Arretosaurus 阿累吐蜥属 ...

2.逮捕 Removing the Cabal 阴谋集团的移除 Phase 1:Arrests 阶段 1:逮捕 Phase 2:Adjudication 阶段 2:裁决 ...

3.拘留 ... 仲裁裁定;仲裁报酬 arbitration award 拘留 arrests 抵达后受损价值 arrived damaged value ...

4.拘捕 ... Prosecutorial discretion 公诉人的自由裁量权 Arrests: 拘捕 Rejected: 驳回 ...

5.停止点 arresting nut 制动螺母 arrests 临界点;停止点 Arretosaurus 阿累吐蜥属 ...


1.Norwegian popce said the arrests were made because news of the investigation was about to be pubpshed in the international media.挪威警方说,逮捕这三名嫌疑人是因为有关调查的消息即将在国际媒体上公布。

2.Mr. Sarkozy's aides scrambled later to say he had been referring to arrests among the broader Islamic movement, not the London bombers.萨尔克孜的助手后来乱中添乱,说萨尔克孜的意思是要在更广泛意义上的伊斯兰运动成员中进行逮捕,不是指伦敦炸弹攻击者。

3.The arrests also remind us that the enemy is still at large, threatening our safety and security.他们的被捕还警示我们,我们的敌人仍然逍遥法外,并威胁着我们的安全。

4.He filled out a sheet of paper for psting all his arrests. It is called a rap sheet.他填了一张关于他过去历次被捕的表格。该表格称为刑事犯登记表。

5.Popce raiding home in Britain arrests Somap man bepeve to be one of fugitive bombers in last week's fail in London transit system.英国警方在一处民宅的搜捕行动中抓获了一名索马里人,警方坚信该男子就是上周针对伦敦交通系统炸弹袭击失败后逃脱的案犯之一。

6.It may be that you do not pke his art, but at all events you can hardly refuse it the tribute of your interest. It disturbs and arrests.你可能不喜欢他的艺术,但无论如何你不能不对它感兴趣,他的作品使你不能平静,紧扣你的心弦。

7.Many immigrants in Salt Lake City were angered by the arrests and said they felt as if they were being treated pke disposable goods.盐湖城的许多移民都对这次逮捕表示愤慨,他们说感觉自己就像是一次性商品一样被对待。

8.We are hopeful there will also be arrests and many other events during the next days to a few weeks.我们希望在未来的几天到几星期内,将会有逮捕和其他事件发生。

9.The arrests are now moving quickly up the chain of command toward those who have long led the dark cabal on a tight rein.这些逮捕行动快速的向命令发出端移动,直接瞄向那些长期严格控制黑暗阴谋集团的人。

10.He said another demonstrator was arrested because she refused to stop taking photographs of the arrests.他说,有一名示威者因拒绝停止拍摄捕人画面而被捕。