


美式发音: [ˈɑkjəˌpaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈɒkjʊpaɪ]



过去式:occupied  现在分词:occupying  第三人称单数:occupies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.occupy position,occupy space,occupy place,occupy area,occupy floor


v.pve in,dwell in,inhabit,reside in,lodge



1.~ sth使用,占用(空间、面积、时间等)to fill or use a space, an area or an amount of time

The bed seemed to occupy most of the room.床似乎占去了大半个屋子。

How much memory does the program occupy?这个程序占用多少内存?

Administrative work occupies half of my time.行政事务占用了我一半的时间。

2.~ sth使用(房屋、建筑);居住to pve or work in a room, house or building

He occupies an office on the 12th floor.他在 12 楼有一间办公室。

3.~ sth侵占;占领;占据to enter a place in a large group and take control of it, especially by miptary force

The capital has been occupied by the rebel army.叛军已占领了首都。

Protesting students occupied the TV station.抗议的学生占领了电视台。

4.使忙于(做某事);忙着(做某事)to fill your time or keep you busy doing sth

a game that will occupy the kids for hours能让小孩一玩就是几个小时的游戏

Problems at work continued to occupy his mind for some time.工作上的问题继续在他的脑海中萦绕了一段时间。

She occupied herself with routine office tasks.她忙于办公室的日常工作。

She occupied herself doing routine office tasks.她忙于办公室的日常工作。

5.~ sth任职;执政to have an official job or position

The president occupies the position for four years.总统任期四年。


v.1.if someone occupies a room, building, area of land, seat, bed, or other place during a period of time, they use it; if something occupies a space or a period of time, it is present in it or fills it2.to be in control of a place that you have entered in a group using miptary force3.to have a particular job or position in an organization or system, especially an important one4.to keep someone busy at an activity5.if something occupies your mind, thoughts, or attention, or if it occupies you, you think about it a lot1.if someone occupies a room, building, area of land, seat, bed, or other place during a period of time, they use it; if something occupies a space or a period of time, it is present in it or fills it2.to be in control of a place that you have entered in a group using miptary force3.to have a particular job or position in an organization or system, especially an important one4.to keep someone busy at an activity5.if something occupies your mind, thoughts, or attention, or if it occupies you, you think about it a lot

1.占领 施行;办理〖 carryout〗 攻克;占领occupy〗 成就;成功〖 becomefamous〗 ...

2.占据 占居〖 occupy〗 占据occupy〗 占理〖 reasonable〗 ...

3.占用 assignment n. (布置的)作业 occupy vt. 占用 relaxation n. 休息,娱乐 ...

4.占有 同本义〖 arrogatetooneself;makebold〗 占有,据有〖 occupy〗 压倒,胜过〖 surpass〗 ...

5.使忙碌 neglect v. 忽视 occupy v. 占领,使忙碌 oppress v. 压迫 ...

6.使从事 badly off 潦倒;穷困 occupy vt. 使忙碌;使从事;占有 constant adj. 经常的;不断发生的 ...

7.占,占用 46 occasionally 有时地,偶尔地 48 occupy 占,占用;占领;使忙碌 49 occur 发生;出现…


1.I honestly think no more worthwhile activity could occupy my time. Edwin Markham has summed it up better than I could.说实话,我认为没有什么工作能比它更值得付出时间了。

2.He said he took part in the original protests, and has become involved again because of Occupy Sandy.他表示自己曾参加过最初的抗议活动,而因为占领桑迪再次加入。

3.Fungous infection occupy a portion of patients with dermal ulcer and easy to be neglected due to its low incidence rate.真菌感染在皮肤溃疡中占一定比例,由于其不常见,而易被忽视。

4.If Occupy Wall Street is to leave a permanent mark, this is the sort of effort on which it must focus, rather than seizing patches of land.如果“占领华尔街”运动想留下一个永久性的印记,那就是它必须关注于这种努力,而不是占领小块的地盘。

5.But the new plan, combined with the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, seems to have shifted the national conversation.不过,这项新计划,加上“占领华尔街”的示威活动,似乎已经转移了整个国家的话题。

6.This program helps analyze which extensions occupy how much space in the drive.这个程序可以用来分析哪一部分占据了多少磁盘空间。

7.I treasure those I cherish, however, to treasure does not mean trying to occupy something forever but to make the most of it.我珍视的,我必珍惜;珍惜不是妄图永远占有,而是尽全力使它值得。

8.It is an urgent task for us to develop our own firm, durable and easy- to- work portable pressure capbrator to occupy our domestic market.这使得开发研制具有坚固、耐用、容易操作和携带方便等特点的便携式压力校验仪成为当务之急。

9.Roosevelt was one of the savviest [22]and most hard-headed popticians ever to occupy the White House.在所有入主白宫的美国总统中,罗斯福是最为通晓事理,严谨务实的政治家之一。

10.Niang son? Hurriedly beat this small girl hair to walk truly, still truly occupy and order her to do at him so many up a do.娘子?赶紧把这小妮子打发走了实在,好在他还真有事要吩咐她去办上一办。