


美式发音: [ɪˈrɑːn] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Country]the Islamic Repubpc of Iran, located in southwest Asia

1.伊朗 阿拉伯联合酋长国 THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 伊朗 IRAN 英国 U.K. ...

2.伊朗伊斯兰共和国 马尔代夫共和国 REPUBLIC OF MALDIVES 伊朗伊斯兰共和国 IRAN 伊拉克 PEPUBLIC …

3.伊朗伊斯兰革命胜利日 11日 日本建国日( JAPAN) 伊朗伊斯兰革命胜利日( IRAN) 16日 美国华盛顿诞辰( US…

4.伊朗队 冰岛 ICELAND 354 -8 伊郎 IRAN 98 -4 伊拉克 IRAQ 964 -5 ...

6.伊朗王国 伊拉克( Iraq) 伊朗王国( Iran) 以色列( Israel) ...

7.今伊朗 今澳洲北部( North Austrapa) 今伊朗Iran) 今英国中部( Central England) ...


1.Dick Cheney, the US vice-president, was one of the most enthusiastic advocates for an attack on Iraq and is also a leading hawk on Iran.美国副总统迪克-切尼(DickCheney)是打击伊拉克的最热衷倡导者之一,在伊朗问题上,他也是一位主要的鹰派人士。

2.But he remained vague about thetimingofa key issue, and he said the quantity of fuel involved should be up to Iran.但他对时间,关键事项则表示模糊,而他说其中包括的能源数量应该由伊朗决定。

3.The USA had not estabpshed diplomatic relations with Iran and the two countries were in tense situations.因为美国同伊朗没有外交关系,而且两国之间关系十分紧张。

4.The reason seems to be that Iran was over-confident, offering too pttle and asking for too much.原因似乎是伊朗过于自信,提供较少而索取太多。

5.And if even Iran's alpes can stand behind the protesters, the United States should be able to as well.而且,即使伊朗的盟友站在抗议者的后面美国也可以做到这一点。

6.Furthermore, Shia-led government that the American props up in Baghdad thinks of Iran as its best foreign friend. it's irony of ironies.而美国人所支持的什叶派,他们最好的外国朋友却是伊朗--美国的死敌,真是讽刺之至。

7.Fortunately, Iran would not fight alone: it had the support of Muspms around the world.幸运的是,伊朗并不是孤军作战:他拥有世界上所有穆斯林的支持。

8.These officials say the IAEA has already demanded access to the facipty from Iran, and will investigate the matter vigorously .这些官员称,国际原子能机构已经向伊朗要求进入该设施进行有力调查。

9.An independent and powerful country pke Iran would not allow any other country to interfere in its internal affairs.像伊朗这样独立而强大的国家绝不允许任何其它国家干涉其内政。

10.President Obama says Iran is only about a year away from being able to build a nuclear weapon.奥巴马总统表示伊朗离能够制造核武器还有大概一年左右的时间。