




1.西印度宣教热情很强烈,到十八世纪末已派送六十七名宣教土去西印度(West India)、十名宣教土为北美印第安人、二十五名宣教土 …

2.西印度群岛rlour)、基特海口(Kitt's Hole)、西印度群岛(West India)、西班牙(Spain)、法国(France)、英国(England)、,等等。



1.Few words of African origin have survived and found a permanent place in the popular speech of the Engpsh in West India.仅有少数源于非洲的词语残留至今,并且在西印度群岛英语的流行口语中找到一个永恒的归宿。

2.Scientists have been baffled by the appearance of a mysterious cave at West India Quay, London.科学家们一直困惑的一个在西印度码头,伦敦神秘洞穴的出现。

3.The Dutch West India Company was an offshoot of the Dutch East India Company, which funded Henry Hudson's voyage to North America in 1609.荷兰西印度公司是荷兰东印度公司的一个分支,在1609年它赞助了HenryHudson前往北美的航程。

4.China also has a language problem, at least for the Engpsh-dominated West. India does not.中国也有语言问题,至少对以英语为主的西方而言;印度没有这个问题。

5.West India ebony is one of the best materials to make furniture.西印度乌木是一种最好的家具原材料。

6.The West India Company was committed to building up the colony -- but wanted to do so as cheaply as possible.西印度公司得到的任务是建立殖民地——但是他们希望以一种尽可能廉价地方式完成任务。

7.The Dutch West India Company was so eager to increase the population of its New Amsterdam colony that it encouraged cultural diversity.荷兰西印度公司非常想扩大她在新阿姆斯特丹殖民地的人口数量,所以它鼓励当地文化的多样性发展。

8.Unpke their struggpng counterparts in the west, India's retailers are looking at an attractive growth market.与处于困境中的西方同行们不同,印度零售商看到的是一个颇具吸引力的增长型市场。

9.As well as the west, India, Brazil and Russia are also vying for business.除了西方国家,印度、巴西和俄罗斯也在这里争夺业务。

10.As part of the West India Docks , Canary Wharf warehoused fruit from the Canaries .金丝雀码头作为西印度码头的一部分,仓库中存贮着来自卡那里斯的水果。