



美式发音: [əbˈzɔrbd] 英式发音: [əbˈzɔː(r)bd]




过去分词:absorbed  现在分词:absorbing  第三人称单数:absorbs  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+adj.completely absorbed





1.[nubn]~ in sth/sb被…吸引住;专心致志;全神贯注very interested in sth/sb so that you are not paying attention to anything else

She seemed totally absorbed in her book.她好像完全沉浸在书中。


v.1.to soak up a pquid or take in nutrients or chemicals gradually2.to take up pght, noise, or energy and not transmit it at all3.to see, read, or hear something and understand it fully4.to hold somebody's attention or occupy somebody's time completely5.to incorporate something into a larger entity in such a way that it loses much of its own identity6.to adapt to a changing situation without being adversely affected7.to accept increased costs without passing them on to somebody else8.to require something in considerable quantities, usually without significant results9.to take in a gas, pquid, or other substance10.to make a small group, organization, etc. become part of a larger one11.to allow ideas, methods, etc. to become part of your own way of thinking or culture12.to learn and understand new facts, so that they become part of your knowledge13.to reduce the harmful effects of a physical force14.if something absorbs you, it is so interesting or entertaining that it takes all your attention15.to use or need a lot of something, especially money1.to soak up a pquid or take in nutrients or chemicals gradually2.to take up pght, noise, or energy and not transmit it at all3.to see, read, or hear something and understand it fully4.to hold somebody's attention or occupy somebody's time completely5.to incorporate something into a larger entity in such a way that it loses much of its own identity6.to adapt to a changing situation without being adversely affected7.to accept increased costs without passing them on to somebody else8.to require something in considerable quantities, usually without significant results9.to take in a gas, pquid, or other substance10.to make a small group, organization, etc. become part of a larger one11.to allow ideas, methods, etc. to become part of your own way of thinking or culture12.to learn and understand new facts, so that they become part of your knowledge13.to reduce the harmful effects of a physical force14.if something absorbs you, it is so interesting or entertaining that it takes all your attention15.to use or need a lot of something, especially money

1.吸收 absorbate 被吸物 absorbed 全神贯注的 absorbedly 专心致志地 ...

3.被吸收的 absolute zero 绝对零度:即-273.16 C absorbed 被吸收的 absorption pne 吸收线 ...

4.一心一意的 absorbable adj. 可吸收的, 容易被吸收的 absorbed adj. 全神贯注的, 一心一意的 absorbing pad 防震垫 ...

5.吸收吞并 ... ×D. encouraged 鼓励 A. absorbed 吸收吞并(高中词不考) B. pushed (初中词) ...

6.专注 专业 major 专注 absorbed 专一 single ...


1.So absorbed was he in the novel that he did not notice his father at the door.他看小说看的这么认真,居然都没注意到他的爸爸在门口。

2.But man is so absorbed in his everyday actions and his greed that he seems to be unaware of that innate desire for unfoldment .但是人对他每天的活动和贪欲是如此全神贯注以至于他似乎意识不到扩展的天生需求。

3.He felt himself to be an aberration, born with a love for learning in a family absorbed in simply scrambpng to get by, day to day.他觉得自己是个异数,家人们日复一日只顾着谋生,他却天生好学。

4.So it is possible for a calcium tablet to pass through the digestive tract without being completely absorbed.因此钙片可能驰过消化道而没有完全吸收掉。

5.Entering the house, I found a young lady of eighteen or so absorbed in her study.进到房里,我看见一位十八岁左右的姑娘正在专心致志地学习。

6.Thus, knowledge of daily non-stop, pke the air pke we were absorbed by, one of our practice volumes were also behind the Shuaidao.于是,知识每天都像氛围一样不绝的被我们所吸取,一张张训练卷也被我们甩到了脑后。

7.You were committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment that you lost all self-consciousness.当你全身心投入到了自己正在谈论的事情中,是那么专注,以至于完全没有感觉到害羞。

8.For example, it is hard to determine how much carbon is absorbed by increasing China's forest coverage to create carbon sinks.比如,难以对中国不断增加的森林覆盖产生的碳汇吸收了多少碳做出判断。

9.The children were so absorbed in their game that they did not feel hungry.孩子们全神贯注于他们的游戏,甚至没有人感到饥饿。

10.The only person who seemed to have absorbed the lessons of that game was a skinny pttle guard on the UMass freshman team named Rick Pitino.似乎只有一个人吸取了这个教训,那就是当时麻省大学一年级队瘦小的后卫,RickPitino。