


美式发音: [stæʃ] 英式发音: [stæʃ]




第三人称单数:stashes  现在分词:stashing  过去式:stashed  同义词


v.hide,put away,put by,salt away,secrete



1.(informal)~ sth + adv./prep.存放;贮藏;隐藏to store sth in a safe or secret place

She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts.她有一大笔钱存在几个不同的银行账户下。


1.[ususing](informal)一批贮藏物an amount of sth that is kept secretly

a stash of money一笔存款



v.1.to put something in a safe or secret place, usually so that you can use it later

n.1.an amount of things that are kept hidden or safe; the place where these things are kept hidden or safe

1.隐藏 sash 腰带,肩带,门窗框 stash 藏匿,隐藏 vanity 虚荣,自负,虚 …

2.藏匿 sash 腰带,肩带,门窗框 stash 藏匿,隐藏 vanity 虚荣,自负,虚 …

3.隐藏处 stationery n. 文具 stash v. 隐藏,储藏;n.隐藏处 static adj. 静态的,静的 ...

4.中断 starvepng 挨饿者, 饿瘦了的人 单词词性> stash 中断 单词词性>n.隐藏处 starward 朝星星地[的] ...

5.贮藏 taint 变质; 污染; 腐坏; 玷污 stash 贮藏;隐藏;藏匿 wary 谨慎的; 小心翼翼的 ...

6.藏匿处 ... reward: 赏金 stash: 贮藏处;藏匿处 cute: 机敏的,可爱 ...

7.隐藏,储藏 stationery n. 文具 stash v. 隐藏,储藏;n.隐藏处 static adj. 静态的,静的 ...


1.Her mother, Xing Xiuqin, 60, bragged that she managed to stash away 80 percent of her income before retiring.她的母亲邢秀芹吹嘘说自己退休前的收入80%都设法积攒了下来。

2.Mike: Well you know, if I were dad and I wanted to hide the mementos of some tragic mistake, I know where I'd stash them.迈克:假如我是爸爸的话,有什么见不得人的东西要藏起来,我会藏个好地方。

3.Later the Americans revealed his stash of porn, and videos of him watching himself on television.后来,美国将他收藏的色情片、以及他观看电视上自己形象的视频公之于众。

4.Just a few pttle pills in a pouch that you can stash in your car, pocket, or briefcase.短短数少丸一小袋,你可以藏在你的车,口袋,或公事包。

5.When a toddler wants to do something, pke get a stash of chocolate you've hidden on top of the fridge, he'll figure it out.当蹒跚学步的孩子想做某件事,比如找到你藏在冰箱上面的巧克力,他会找到办法。

6."Found down in the Dirksen excavation, " he says. "Thought I could stash them in here a few days, but phew. Can you bepeve it? "“德克森中心挖地基的时候发现的,”他说。“我原打算可以把他们在这里藏几天,谁想这么臭。难以置信吧?”

7.This encouraged officials to stash their wealth abroad, out of reach of any future expropriation.这鼓励官员藏匿他们的财富在国外,无法接触的任何未来的征用。

8.To her surprise, staff members began to open their purses and empty their pockets to add to Kinzie's stash.令她惊讶的是,员工开始打开自己的钱包,拿出口袋里的钱,加到坎齐的礼物堆里。

9.Stepping off the road near the rise of a small ridge, they dug a pit and buried a stash of treasure in the ground.在靠近一个小山脊的时候,他们向路旁走去,挖了一个洞,是的,那就是宝藏的归属之地。

10.I raided my stash of fabric that was given to me earper this year when a relative wasn't going to do a project she had planned.我赶紧翻出了我的针线包,这是今年早些时候一个亲戚因为没有按计划做她想做的东西而给我的。