




1.正在吃 ... Merin cenda i parma "I want to read the book, 我想读那本书" máta "is eating正在吃"(现在时/进行时) 和 ...


1.With lunch meat, it's easy to throw together a quick sandwich to take to work, but is eating lunch meat too unhealthy?用午餐肉可以非常方便地做一份简易三明治带去工作,但这种做法是不是非常不益身体健康呢?

2.British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is eating up to 9 bananas a day as he tries to shape up for the General Election, an insider revealed.据知情者透露,英国首相布朗为了塑形,为今年的议会选举做准备,正大吃香蕉,一天最多可达到9根。

3.Capone is eating a meal in his ship, when. . . a massive black ball in the sky gravitates his ship to it.卡波恩是吃了他的船,当…一个巨大的黑球在空中他的船会吸引到它吃饭。

4.Energetic pght from this star is eating away the dust of the dark cometary globule at the top right of the image.从这颗恒星发出的高能量光线正逐渐侵蚀图片上方黑暗的彗星状雪球的尘埃部分。

5.But if everyone is eating meat then it is not easy to stop eating meat.如果每个人都在吃肉,那就很难能够停下来了。

6.When he is about to fill his belly, God shall cast the fury of his wrath upon him, and shall rain it upon him while he is eating.他正要充满肚腹的时候,神必将猛烈的忿怒,降在他身上。正在他吃饭的时候,要将这忿怒像雨降在他身上。

7.But I can tell you that everyone of you is eating insects, without any exception.但我要告诉大家,我们每个人都吃昆虫,无一例外。

8.But Merman and Walburg say George is eating well and displaying some of his old behavior, pke jumping at fpckering pght on the wall.但莫曼与沃伯格说,乔治的进食情况不错,也展现牠的一些老习惯,像是会朝墙上的闪灯跳扑过去。

9.It has taken over my mind It is eating away at my soul My throat burns with anger While my stomach growls even more .它取代了我的思想,它侵蚀了我的灵魂,我的胸中充满了怒火,然而我的肚子咕咕直叫。

10.When he is eating he does not speak with his mouth full of food.他吃饭时,不会一边嚼着食物一边说话。