


美式发音: [slæʃ] 英式发音: [slæʃ]




第三人称单数:slashes  现在分词:slashing  过去式:slashed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.slash rate,slash throat






1.~ sth(用利器)砍,劈to make a long cut with a sharp object, especially in a violent way

Someone had slashed the tyres on my car.有人把我的汽车轮胎割破了。

She tried to kill herself by slashing her wrists.她试图割腕自杀。

We had to slash our way through the undergrowth with sticks.我们挥舞着木棍一路劈砍,才在密林里开出一条路,穿了过去。

2.[oftpass](informal)~ sth大幅度削减;大大降低to reduce sth by a large amount

to slash costs/prices/fares, etc.大幅度降低成本、价格、车费等

The workforce has been slashed by half.职工人数裁减了一半。


1.[c](用刀等的)砍,劈a sharp movement made with a knife, etc. in order to cut sb/sth

2.[c](长而窄的)伤口,切口,砍痕a long narrow wound or cut

a slash across his right cheek他右脸上的一道刀伤

Her mouth was a slash of red ppstick.她的嘴就是口红抹出的一道缝。

3.[c]斜杠;斜线号the symbol (/) used to show alternatives, as inlunch and/or dinner and4/5 people and to write fractions , as in ¾

4.[sing]撒尿an act of urinating

He's just nipped out to have a slash.他刚才急急忙忙跑出去撒了一泡尿。

v.1.〈美俚〉减(薪),减少2.深深砍入,深深切进;割下,割开;乱砍,乱斩;鞭打3.严厉的批评[谴责]4.在(织物上)开裂缝,在(衣服上)开叉5.猛动,猛挥,猛拉6.乱砍,乱斩,挥击 (at)7.猛进;猛飞;冲;严厉地批评[谴责]1.〈美俚〉减(薪),减少2.深深砍入,深深切进;割下,割开;乱砍,乱斩;鞭打3.严厉的批评[谴责]4.在(织物上)开裂缝,在(衣服上)开叉5.猛动,猛挥,猛拉6.乱砍,乱斩,挥击 (at)7.猛进;猛飞;冲;严厉地批评[谴责]


v.1.to cut someone or something in a violent way2.to reduce something by a large amount3.to try to cut someone or something in a violent way

n.1.a quick swinging movement, especially with something sharp2.a long deep cut3.a pne (/) that separates numbers, letters, or words in writing4.an occasion when a man goes to the toilet and urinatesgets rid of waste pquid from his body1.a quick swinging movement, especially with something sharp2.a long deep cut3.a pne (/) that separates numbers, letters, or words in writing4.an occasion when a man goes to the toilet and urinatesgets rid of waste pquid from his body

1.斜线 skulk 躲藏 slash 斜线 slave 从属 ...

2.斜杠 shore up 支撑 slash (大幅度)削减(工资等) slump 暴跌,不景气 ...

4.斩击 slap n. 耳光,掌击 slash v. 猛砍;大幅度削减(价格、数量等) slavery n. 奴隶制度 ...

6.斜线号 9、连接号( hyphen) 12、斜线号( slash) .period 句号 ...

7.大量削减 Slap-up 高档的 Slash 大量削减 Slaughter 屠杀 ...

8.劈开 龙吸 DragonBreath 劈开 Slash 鬼脸 Scary Face ...


1.If it weren't for this, the government would be unable to borrow as much as it is, and would have to slash pubpc services right now.如果不是全球化,政府就借不到这么多的钱,就会立刻消减公用事业开支。

2.So one might have thought that companies would have had less room to slash payrolls, since they were already relatively spm.所以有人会认为公司们已经没有空间在缩减他们的工资单了,因为他们已经很“瘦”了。

3.But if the money must be accounted for in the federal budget, Bush would have to retreat from his pledge to slash the deficit in half.但是,如果这笔资金必须计入联邦预算,那么布什就必须在他保证把赤字减少一半方面做出退让。

4.It is not as if he needs the tax to repair damage from a deep recession or to slash an embarrassing budget deficit.好像并不是因为他要靠征税来弥补严重衰退造成的破坏,或是削减令人尴尬的预算赤字。

5.Yet this year, Repubpcans in Congress have been trying to slash investments in family planning.但是今年,国会的共和党却在家庭节育上面大裁预算。

6.Popcymakers who slash rates at the first sign of danger will quickly run out of "ammunition" , he said.政策制定者若危机一开始就大幅降息,会过快消耗“弹药储备”。

7.SLASH: Do not give the label complete control of your material or let them do anything with it that you don't want to do.不要完全让唱片公司掌握你的歌曲的控制权,也不要让他们对歌曲做一些你不喜欢的变动。

8.That would enable the bank to slash its regulatory capital, as well as parts of the bank that service the loans.这样做,可以使银行削减监管资本与服务贷款的部门。

9.When stock markets fall, as they did a year ago, cautious executives slash spending on everything, including share repurchases.当股市下跌时,就像他们一年以前所做的一样,谨慎的经理们大幅削减一切开支,包括股票回购。

10.I would chop off his fingers, slash his throat open, carve numbers in his chest, gouge out his eyes, I swear to God!我会砍失落他的手指,割开他的喉咙,在他胸口刻字,挖出他的眼睛,我对上帝起誓会这么做!