




1.岩田 OSAWA( 大泽) IWATA( 岩田) KINKI( 劲力) ...

2.日本岩田(Imasen) 伊诺艾克株式会社(Inoac) 岩田螺栓株式会社(Iwata) 泉工业株式会社(Izumi) 日本锻工株式会社(Japan Forge) 日本电 …

4.岩田株式会社 伊东 Itō 磐田 Iwata 伊豆 Izu ...

6.岩田精工SG丝锥,FP铣刀,三菱刀片,肯纳刀片,京瓷刀片,岩田精工(IWATA)中心钻,OSG钻头,苏氏/SUS钻头,YAMAWA丝锥,SK铣刀, …

7.岩田工具 UNION TOOL( 联合工具) IWATA( 岩田工具) YG-1( 韩国切削工具) ...


1.Of course, says Mr Iwata, he would be hanppy if Nintendo became the leading console-maker again as a result of its new approach.当然,岩田说如果任天堂因为新途径再次成为领导的主机制造商他会很高兴。

2.During the Q&A session, Iwata noted that he did not actually state this.在问答环节,岩田聡自己却表示并没有这样说过。

3.Iwata said he's eager to partner with Hollywood studios to get movies onto its system.岩田聪说,他很渴望与好莱坞工作室合作,将电影植入3DS。

4.Mr. Iwata says the company's handhelds offer an experience that mobile phones---no matter how smart the phone -- can't match.岩田聪说,任天堂的手持游戏机向玩家提供了手机(无论有多智能)所无法比拟的体验。

5.But Mr. Iwata says attempts to create a rivalry between the two companies make him 'uncomfortable, ' because he says it isn't true.不过岩田聪说,试图在这两家公司之间制造竞争关系让他感觉不舒服,因为他说这并不是事实。

6."We didn't know, if the DS didn't make it, what kind of products would be needed, " says Mr Iwata.“在DS之前我们并不知道到底什么产品是被需求的,”岩田说。

7.Iwata also announced partnerships with Sega and Hudson to offer downloadable access to their classic games via Revolution's Virtual Console.岩田还强调任天堂与世嘉和Hudson达成伙伴关系,两家公司将提供他们的经典游戏通过革命的虚拟主机下载。

8.During the Q&A session at a recent investors meeting, Iwata was asked about Wii HD.在最近的投资者会议的提问回答环节,岩田聡被问起关于HDWII的事情。

9.Iwata also provided clarification about recent reports regarding an updated DS.岩田聡同时也澄清了一下关于DS的更新问题。

10.Shears, Caboodles, Trim Safe razors, Kett Cosmetics, Mehron theatrical make-up and Iwata-Medea airbrush supppers.剪刀,Caboodles,修剪安全剃刀,凯特化妆品,Mehron舞台化妆和磐田美狄亚喷枪供应商。