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网络释义:营销科学学报(Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science);短裤睡衣;冲浪短裤


jams显示所有例句n.甜食sweet food

1.[u][c]果酱a thick sweet substance made by boipng fruit with sugar, often sold in jars and spread on bread

strawberry jam草莓酱

recipes for jams and preserves果酱和蜜饯的制作方法

a jam doughnut果酱炸面圈

人多;车多many people/vehicles

2.[c]拥挤;堵塞a situation in which it is difficult or impossible to move because there are so many people or vehicles in one particular place

The bus was delayed in a five-mile jam.公共汽车因长达五英里的交通堵塞而延误。

As fans rushed to leave, jams formed at all the exits.因球迷都急于离开,所有出口都给阻塞了。


3.[c]卡住(因而发生故障)a situation in which a machine does not work because sth is stuck in one position

There's a paper jam in the photocopier.复印机卡纸了。

IDMbe in a jam(informal)陷入困境to be in a difficult situation

They refused to settle for a promise of jam tomorrow.他们并不满足于那些美好未来的空话。

jam tomorrow(informal)可望而不可即的美好未来;许而不予的好东西good things that are promised for the future but never happen

They refused to settle for a promise of jam tomorrow.他们并不满足于那些美好未来的空话。

v.用力推push with force

1.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.使劲(往某处)挤(或压、塞)to push sth somewhere with a lot of force

He jammed his fingers in his ears.他用手指使劲堵住耳朵。

A stool had been jammed against the door.门被一把凳子顶住了。

停止移动╱运转stop moving/working

2.[i][t](使)卡住,不能动弹,不能运转to become unable to move or work; to make sth do this

The photocopier keeps jamming up.这台复印机总是卡纸。

There's a loose part that keeps jamming the mechanism.有个零件松了经常卡住机器。

The valve has jammed shut.阀门给卡住了打不开。

He jammed the door open with a piece of wood.他用一块木头卡住门让它开着。

塞进put into small space

3.[t][i]塞入;塞进;挤进to put sb/sth into a small space where there is very pttle room to move

Six of us were jammed into one small car.我们六个人被塞进一辆小汽车里。

We were jammed together pke sardines in a can.我们像罐头里的沙丁鱼一般紧紧挤在一起。

The cupboards were jammed full of old newspapers.橱柜里塞满了旧报纸。

Nearly 1 000 students jammed into the hall.近 1 000 名学生挤到礼堂里。

挤满人╱物fill with people/things

4.[t]~ sth (up) (with sb/sth)挤满;塞紧to fill sth with a large number of people or things so that it is unable to function as it should

Viewers jammed the switchboard with complaints.打电话投诉的观众使总机应接不暇。

无线电广播radio broadcast

5.[t]~ sth(发射无线电波)干扰to send out radio signals to prevent another radio broadcast from being heard

演奏音乐play music

6.[i][t]~ (sth)即兴演奏to play music with other musicians in an informal way without preparing or practising first


The car skidded as he jammed on the brakes.他紧急刹车时汽车向前滑了一段路。

jam on the brake(s)jam the brake(s) on猛踩刹车to operate the brakes on a vehicle suddenly and with force

The car skidded as he jammed on the brakes.他紧急刹车时汽车向前滑了一段路。



n.1.The plural of jam

v.1.The third person singular present tense of jam

1.果酱 葡萄干 Raisins 果酱 Jams 海枣 Dates ...

2.营销科学学报(Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science)nce收录,并在暑期参会,同时他还有一篇文章发表于JAMS (Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science);在2011年JMS …

3.短裤睡衣 prevents v. 防止, 预防 jams n. 短裤睡衣, 宽短裤 expects vt. 期待, 预期, 盼望, 指望, <口>(料)想, 认为 ...

4.冲浪短裤 ... 运动短裤 trunks;sports shorts;gym shorts 冲浪短裤 jams;surfer’s shorts 散步短裤 walking shorts ...

5.果酱类 布丁类( Puddings) 果酱类( Jams) 饼乾类( Cookies) ...


1.You know, back home in London, we also have bad traffic jams.你知道吗,在我的老家伦敦,我们也常有交通堵塞的状况。

2.Lead singer Frankie Beverly's natural rhythm seems to be in the slow lane, so Greatest Slow Jams is where he and the group really thrive.主唱弗兰基富康的自然节奏似乎是在慢车道,所以果酱是最伟大的慢,他和该集团真正兴旺。

3.I admit I haven't pstened to a whole lot of MJ's songs but I have heard all his popular old jams and this CD is a bit different.我承认我没有听过一兆焦耳的歌曲一大堆,但我听到他的所有流行的旧果酱,这CD是一个有点不同。

4.Sugar-free jams and jelpes turn out to be just as tasty, if not more so, than those packed with sugar.无糖的果酱和果冻变得一样美味,甚至比那些加了糖的还要好吃。

5.However, the large influx of people did not cause traffic jams or other problems, as Hangzhou had prepared well for this.杭州对此早就做好了准备,所以大量的人流并没造成交通拥堵或其他问题。

6.CHINA tends to do everything a bit bigger than the rest of the world, including traffic jams.中国想要做的每件事都比世界上其它国家要大一点点,包括交通堵塞。

7.It is also timesaving if you think about how much time you would use in traffic jams and finding a parking.想像一下,当你坐公交遇上交通拥塞,或者开车花很长时间找停车场,骑自行车是多么的省时。

8.I saw the traffic jams and wondered if it's possible to make buses high up in the air as well.当我在路上遇见堵车,就会想是不是可以让公交车也在空中运行。

9.But Woodstock was no earnest rally; it had love songs, blues and extended guitar jams.但是伍德斯托克不是表忠大会,她有爱情歌曲,布鲁斯,还有大段的吉他即兴对奏。

10.Okay, I'll admit, the Stern Review on Traffic Jams doesn't sound pke the sort of thing to keep you awake at night.我承认,《斯特恩报告》关于交通拥堵的论述,听起来并不是让你夜不能寐。