


美式发音: [skaʊr] 英式发音: [ˈskaʊə(r)]




第三人称单数:scours  现在分词:scouring  过去式:scoured  同义词反义词





1.~ sth (for sb/sth)(彻底地)搜寻,搜查,翻找to search a place or thing thoroughly in order to find sb/sth

We scoured the area for somewhere to pitch our tent.我们四处查看,想找一个搭帐篷的地方。

2.~ sth (out)(用粗糙的物体)擦净,擦亮to clean sth by rubbing its surface hard with rough material

I had to scour out the pans.我得把这些锅擦干净。

3.~ sth (away/out).~ sth (from/out of sth)冲刷成;冲刷出to make a passage, hole, or mark in the ground, rocks, etc. as the result of movement, especially over a long period

The water had raced down the slope and scoured out the bed of a stream.水顺着山坡流下来,冲刷出一条小河道。

v.1.(急急忙忙来回)搜寻 (about)2.飞快地跑过,奔跑,搜寻著跑过 (away, off)3.洗刷;冲刷;冲洗(管道等)4.【冶】侵蚀,烧蚀5.(用沙等)擦亮,擦光;擦掉(锈,污点的) (off away out) 洗涤6.(用泻药)泻;打(虫)7.肃清(海盗等);扫荡8.疏浚(河底等)1.(急急忙忙来回)搜寻 (about)2.飞快地跑过,奔跑,搜寻著跑过 (away, off)3.洗刷;冲刷;冲洗(管道等)4.【冶】侵蚀,烧蚀5.(用沙等)擦亮,擦光;擦掉(锈,污点的) (off away out) 洗涤6.(用泻药)泻;打(虫)7.肃清(海盗等);扫荡8.疏浚(河底等)


v.1.to search a place or document thoroughly for something2.to clean something thoroughly by rubbing it hard with something rough3.to form a passage or hole in something by moving continuously over it

1.冲刷 冲杀〖 chargeandfight〗 冲刷〖 washout;scour;erode〗 冲塌〖 causetocollapse;burst〗 ...

2.擦亮 scour 四处搜索 scour 擦洗,擦亮 valour 英勇 ...

3.擦洗 scoundrel 无籁 scour 擦洗 scourge 灾害 ...

4.冲洗 obsess( 缠住,不断地困扰); scour( 擦,冲洗); smear( 搽,涂, …

5.洗刷 Venerable 可尊敬的,森严的 Scour 擦亮,肃清,洗刷 Grimy 肮脏的,积满污垢的 ...

6.搜索 recourse n 依赖,求助 scour v 搜索;巡视 succour n 救助,救援 ...

7.彻底搜索 ●bulpon n. 金条;银条 ●scour v. 彻底搜索 ●chest n. 大箱子 ...


1.There's a strong scour with the ebb, ' he said, 'and this here passage has been dug out, in a manner of speaking, with a spade.“退潮时这里水冲得急,”他说,“把这里的入口挖了,可以说就像铲子铲似的。”

2.Wesley and I would scour the beaches looking for coins. We were very successful at it.我和韦斯利为了硬币找遍海滩,斩获颇丰。

3.The point-polluting may spread to the lower reaches of a river with the scour of the stormwater.由于雨水的冲刷,还可能将点污染源扩大造成下游水系的污染。

4.LTCM's strategy was to scour world markets for pairs of assets with prices that appeared to be out of pne with each other.LTCM的投资策略是精心在全世界范围内发掘同类金融资产在不同市场中的不合理价差并从中渔利。

5.Scour your blog and ask this question of every element: would a new visitor know what this does, or where it leads?重新排版你博客并对着每一个元素都问一个问题:如果一个新的访客来,他会知道这是什么,链接到哪里吗?

6.On my return, I scour Gaza for evidence that anything has changed for the better in the months since the war ended.这次重返加沙,我四处寻找战后几个月里任何可以证明生活变得更好的蛛丝马迹。

7.Analysis model test results, a stable and hole scour depth does not exceed mat layer thickness, protect the bottom of foundation stabipty.分析模型试验成果,连锁块稳定且孔内冲刷深度没有超过垫层厚度,保护了连锁块底部基础稳定。

8."My step sisters made me fetch the water and make the fire and cook and scour and I've only just finished, " she said tearfully .“同父异母的姐姐要我拿水、生火、煮菜、擦地,我刚刚才完成。”她泪水汪汪的说。

9.An air scour system that comprises one or more blowers for air scour of the membrane fibers within the modules.空冲刷系统,包括一个或一个以上的冲刷鼓风机空中纤维膜的单元。

10.As investors scour the globe for green shoots, one unequivocal sign of recovery would be a resurgence of the Asian high-yield bond market.当投资者在全球搜寻复苏的萌芽时,一个明确的信号将是亚洲高收益债券市场的复兴。