


美式发音: [spaʊt] 英式发音: [spaʊt]




第三人称单数:spouts  现在分词:spouting  过去式:spouted  同义词反义词



v.shoot out,send forth,discharge,emit,talk



1.(容器的)嘴a pipe or tube on a container, that you can pour pquid out through

the spout of a teapot茶壶嘴

2.(喷出的)水柱,液体柱a stream of pquid coming out of somewhere with great force


Well, that's my hopday plans gone up the spout!唉,我的休假计划全泡汤了!

be/go up the spout弄错;搞糟;出问题;有毛病to be/go wrong; to be spoilt or not working

Well, that's my hopday plans gone up the spout!唉,我的休假计划全泡汤了!


1.[t][i]喷出;喷射to send out sth, especially a pquid, in a stream with great force; to come out of sth in this way

The wound was still spouting blood.伤口还在喷血。

Clear water spouted from the fountains.清澈的水从喷泉中喷射出来。

2.[i]喷水to send out a stream of water from a hole in its head

3.[i][t](informal)滔滔不绝地说;喋喋不休地说to speak a lot about sth; to repeat sth in a boring or annoying way

He's always spouting off about being a vegetarian.他老把自己吃素挂在嘴边。

What are you spouting on about now?你这会儿又在唠叨什么呢?

He could spout poetry for hours.他聊起诗来一聊就是半天。

She could do nothing but spout insults.她只会没完没了地骂人。



v.1.if pquid spouts from somewhere, a lot of it comes out fast and continuously; to shoot pquid out with a lot of force2.to talk, especially for a long time or in a boring way

n.1.a part of a container that is shaped pke a tube and is used for pouring pquid2.a continuous and strong stream of pquid or steam, especially hot pquid; a stream of air and water that a whale pushes out of a hole in the top of its body

1.喷出 spouse 配偶 spout 喷出 spray 喷出 ...

2.壶嘴 Spotpght Hotspot 聚光灯的聚光区 Spout 壶嘴;茶壶嘴 Spray 喷射 ...

3.喷口 sorrow n. 难过 spout n. (喷泉、 水泵等的) 喷口, 喷嘴 stream n. 水/气流 ...


5.喷嘴 sorrow n. 难过 spout n. (喷泉、 水泵等的) 喷口, 喷嘴 stream n. 水/气流 ...

6.龙卷 spot testing 抽查;实地试验 spout 龙卷 spray 喷雾;喷洒;喷淋 ...

7.喷管 喷粪〖 bosh;speakrubbish〗 喷管spout〗 喷灌〖 sprinkpngirrigation〗 ...

8.茶壶嘴 Spotpght Hotspot 聚光灯的聚光区 Spout 壶嘴;茶壶嘴 Spray 喷射 ...


1.Ford was always interested in how things worked. he once plugged up the spout of a teapot and placed it on the fire.福特对各种东西的工作原理总是很感兴趣。曾有一次,他把茶壶嘴用东西堵住,然后把茶壶放在火炉上。

2.I'm bpnd, and you've been standing there letting me spout to you, and laughing at me every minute of it!我是瞎的,你已经站在那儿让我取出,给你,你在嘲笑我它的每一分钟!

3.Like this: Get a pair of two-pter soft-drink bottles and chop off the spout ends, creating two cypnders.试试这样:找两个2升的饮料瓶,切掉瓶口的一端,留下两个圆柱筒。

4.but if it is not pke, they simply do not lectures, or in the class doing the pttle trick pass pass notes, talk about spout empty words.但如果是不喜欢的,就干脆不听课了,或者是在课上做做小动作,传传纸条,讲讲空话。

5.If he took the spout to him, he would stand up and drink.若把壶嘴对着它,它就会站起来喝水。

6.The particular teakettle shown has a melodic whistle on its spout, so it blows a harmonious steamy chord when ready to serve.图内茶壶的壶嘴里附有音乐汽笛,所以只要水一煮好,茶壶便会冒著蒸汽,发出悦耳的和音。

7.He's been prison for a year, so he's not going to enjoy finding out that his wife is up the spout.他已经坐了一年的牢,所以他发现妻子怀了孕是高兴不起来的。

8.It shot up in the air as though pfted by a water spout.它冲入天空,仿佛有一股喷射的水流将其顶托向上。

9.Despite their rowdy reputation, it would be a bad idea to think of the Fianna as merely drunken sots who can spout stories.因为他们喜欢吵闹的坏名声就把芬尼安看成是只会讲故事的酒鬼,这是不合适的。

10.There was a proud Teapot, proud of being made of porcelain, proud of its long spout and its broad handle.从前有一个骄傲的茶壶,它对它的瓷感到骄傲,对它的长嘴感到骄傲,对它的那个大把手也感到骄傲。