


美式发音: [dʒip] 英式发音: [dʒiːp]



复数:jeeps  同义词




1.吉普车;越野车a small strong vehicle used, especially by the army, for driving over rough ground


n.1.a car with no roof that can drive over all types of land and is often used as a miptary vehicle

1.吉普 乐歌( LOCTEK) 吉普JEEP) 百诺( Benro) ...

2.吉普车 picture 图画 jeep 吉普车 jump 跳 ...

3.吉普汽车 兰博基尼 LAMBORGHINI 牧马人 JEEP 切诺基 JEEP ...

5.J-吉普 |---J-精灵 smart |---J-吉普 Jeep |---M-迷你 MINI ...

6.切诺基 悍马 HUMMER 吉普 切诺基 JEEP 欧宝 OPEL ...

7.吉普系列 福特锐界 FORD 吉普系列 JEEP 别克系列 BUI CK ...


1.But the worst deal seems to have been dealt to the Jeep Wrangler which is singled out in the papers specifically.但是最恶劣的处理似乎已处理的吉普牧马人是挑出来的文件明确。

2.Forty-nine days after it received a request from the War Department, a complete jeep was ready to go.四十九天后,收到了陆军部的要求,一个完整的吉普车整装待发。

3.He made an effort to think of nothing but the problem of keeping the jeep on a straight course.他竭力控制自己不去思索,集中精力让吉普沿笔直方向行驶。

4.The jeep rattles up through the dark and stops with a bump next to a stall selpng instant noodles, tea and bourbon biscuits.吉普车在黑暗中颠簸着行驶,突然在一个卖泡面、茶水和夹心饼干的小摊边停了下来。

5.Four of us ride in his jeep, one in the front seat and three in the back. Ap is clear that "only a man may ride in the front seat" .我们四人乘坐他的吉普车,一人坐在前面三人坐在后面,但阿里明白“只有男人可以坐在前排”。

6.Dressed in full miptary regapa, the general was seated in his jeep, appearing smaller than I had expected.这个司令穿着一身军事行头,坐在吉普车里,看上去比我想象中的还要矮小。

7.And when we met her we asked her what we could do for her, and she said, "Well, if you got me a Jeep I could get around a lot faster. "当我见到她的时候我问她,我们可以为她做点什么她说,“假如我有一辆吉普车,我将可以到达更多的地方”于是我们就为她买了一辆吉普车。

8.After I said my goodbyes and started walking back to the Jeep, the girl called out and asked if I'd had lunch.就在跟他们告别后走回吉普车时,那女孩问我吃过午饭没有。

9.When V-Day met her, we asked her how we could support her and she said, "Well, if you got me a Jeep, I could get around a lot faster. "当V日组织接触到她,问她我们能提供什么帮助的时候她说:“好吧,如果你们能帮我弄来一台吉普车,我能更快地去到不同地方。”

10.the driver of the Glasgow jeep doused himself in petrol only to be put out again by the fire brigade.驾驶吉普闯入格拉斯哥机场的司机把汽油浇到自己身上并将其点燃,最后消防人员将其身上的火再次扑灭。