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1.杰弗瑞 Jay 杰伊 Jeffery 杰弗瑞 Jerome 杰罗姆 ...

2.杰弗里 Jeffrey 杰弗里 Jeffery 杰弗睿 Jayleke 杰利克 ...

5.杰福瑞 ... JASON( 杰森) JEFFERY杰弗拉) LORI( 拉里) ...

7.杰费利翻译时参考了W.帕勒特(Perrett)和G.B.杰费利Jeffery)的英译本《The Principle of Relativity》,伦敦Methuer,1923年版…


1.He kept his head hidden in his hands. "I'm too big to play with anyone, " cried Jeffery.他仍然把头埋在他的双手之间。“我太高大了不能和任何人一起玩,”杰弗瑞喊到。

2.Jeffery took his head out of his hands.杰弗瑞把他的头从手之间挪开。

3."Hi, my name is Eddy. I'm new here. Do you want to play with me? " Jeffery didn't look up. He kept his head hidden in his hands.“嗨!我的名字是艾迪。我是新来的。你想要和我一起玩儿吗?”杰弗瑞没有向上看。他仍然把头埋在他的双手之间。

4.Mr Jeffery says MI6's files are the "holy grail" , hitherto gpmpsed only indirectly, when its reports crop up in declassified MI5 files.杰弗瑞说军情六处的档案简直就是“圣盘”,到目前为止只能间接看看。

5.A very thoughtful man named Jeffery Bannister, who at the time was president of Butler College, was seated next to me. "Post-Gutenberg? "时任巴特勒学院院长的杰弗瑞·班尼斯特非常深思熟虑,当时,他就坐在我旁边。

6.The boss wants me to turn the Red-flag project over to Jeffery.老板要我把Red-flag项目移交给杰弗瑞。

7.Jeffery: I'm looking for a sweater for my wife. Tomorrow is her birthday. And I know she needs a woolen sweater.杰弗里:我想给我太太买一件羊毛衫。明天是她的生日。我知道她需要一件羊毛衫。

8.'It's kind of pke a toaster, ' says Jeffery Lauria of iCorps Technologies, a Boston-based information technology provider.波士顿信息技术提供商iCorpsTechnologies公司的杰弗里-劳里亚(JefferyLauria)说,“它有点像烤面包机。”

9.Jeffery: It feels good. Are there cowl-neck pullovers with the same color? My wife prefers a turtleneck to a V-shaped collar.杰弗里:手感不错。有这种颜色连帽套头的吗?我太太喜欢高领的,不喜欢V领的。

10.One day Jeffery came home early. He sat down under the biggest tree he could find. He didn't want to be at the playground anymore.一天,杰弗瑞回家很早。他坐在一棵他能找到的最大的树下面。他不想再去游乐场了。