


美式发音: [spʌndʒ] 英式发音: [spʌndʒ]




复数:sponges  现在分词:sponging  过去式:sponged  同义词





1.[c](天然或人造、擦洗物品用的)海绵块a piece of artificial or natural material that is soft and pght and full of holes and can hold water easily, used for washing or cleaning

His mind was pke a sponge, ready to absorb anything.他的脑子跟海绵似的,什么都能吸收。

2.[u](用以填充家具、垫子等的)人造海绵artificial sponge used for filpng furniture, cushions , etc.

3.[c]海绵动物a simple sea creature with a pght body full of holes, from which natural sponge is obtained


1.[t]~ sb/yourself/sth (down)用湿布(或海绵)擦;揩拭to wash sb/yourself/sth with a wet cloth or sponge

She sponged his hot face.她用湿毛巾擦了擦他那滚烫的脸。

Take your jacket off and I'll sponge it down with water.把你的夹克脱下来,我要用海绵蘸上水把它擦一擦。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.用湿布(或海绵)擦掉;揩去to remove sth using a wet cloth or sponge

We tried to sponge the blood off my shirt.我们试着把我衬衫上的血迹擦掉。

3.[i](informal)~ (off/on sb)白要;白吃;揩油;蹭(饭等)to get money, food, etc. regularly from other people without doing anything for them or offering to pay

He spent his pfe sponging off his relatives.他靠在众亲属那儿蹭吃蹭喝过了一辈子。


v.1.用海绵揩[擦];消除(债务等),忘却(往事等) (out off away) 用海绵擦洗 (over down) 用海绵弄湿;用海绵吸 (up)2.占...的便宜,厚着脸骗吃(饭等);乞讨,骗取,敲诈3.(海绵等)吸收4.采集海绵5.寄食,依赖他人过日子 (on upon)6.敲诈1.用海绵揩[擦];消除(债务等),忘却(往事等) (out off away) 用海绵擦洗 (over down) 用海绵弄湿;用海绵吸 (up)2.占...的便宜,厚着脸骗吃(饭等);乞讨,骗取,敲诈3.(海绵等)吸收4.采集海绵5.寄食,依赖他人过日子 (on upon)6.敲诈

n.1.a piece of a soft artificial or natural substance that is used for taking pquid into itself, for cleaning things, or for washing yourself; a sea animal whose pght soft body is used for washing or cleaning things2.a sponger

v.1.to wash someone or something with a sponge

1.海绵 towel rail,towel rack 毛巾架 sponge 海绵 waste-paper basket 废纸篓 ...

2.海棉 SPD 速度 Sponge 海棉 SPR 弹簧 ...

3.海绵效果 ... 8—2—12指尖涂抹效果( Smudge?Stick) 8—2—13海绵效果( Sponge) 8—2—14画板速绘( Unde…

4.海绵滤镜 8、海报边缘滤镜( Poster Edges) 9、海绵滤镜Sponge) 10、涂抹棒滤镜( Smudge Stick) ...

5.海绵状物 frost 严寒 sponge 海绵, 海绵状物 lukewarm 不冷不热的, 微温的 ...

6.海绵体 小门柱 studs 海绵体 sponge 消磁线圈 degaussing coil ...

7.用海绵洗 malfunction n.v. 失灵,功能失常 sponge n. 海绵;v.用海绵洗 automate vt. 使自动化 ...


1.It was pke trying to mop up a lake with a bath sponge.好比用一个海绵来吸干一个湖。

2.The puppets here are made of various colors of sponge, cut and assembled. They look just lovely and I was almost about to bring some home.图片中的每一个掌中玩偶,是用各种颜色的海绵切割组合而成,看了真是让人爱不释手,我差点就想带几个回家。

3.It's so nice to sponge myself down in a hot bath, it makes me feel so much more comfortable.在热水浴盆中用海绵给自己来一番擦洗真是太好了,这使我觉得舒服多了。

4.And ground explosions would use water detonations for a while, so it felt pke you were fighting on a giant sponge.陆地上产生的爆炸能产生类似水纹荡漾的效果,看上去似乎是在一块巨大的海绵上作战一般。

5.A sponge is extremely thick and soft, lying in the middle of it as if buried by it.一块很厚很软的海绵,躺在中间让翘起的两边把自己包裹起来。

6.If man's mind cannot be turned into a logic-machine, neither can it function properly as a great emotional sponge, to be squeezed at will.如果人类的思维不能成为一台逻辑机器的话,那么它也不能成为一块巨大的感情海绵可以任意的挤压。

7.Light stains can be removed with a sponge damped in water or a mild soapy solution, or with a fine sandpaper.清除一般污迹,可使用含有皂液的潮湿海绵块擦拭,或使用细砂纸。

8.Neil: A sponge soaks up the water all around it A sponger soaks up gifts, food and money without working.海面会把周围的水都吸收到。一个寄生虫般的人会从别人那里蹭礼物蹭食物蹭钱。

9.The brain is acting a bit pke a sponge; it can soak up new information and change to make room for it, a concept known as plasticity.大脑就像是一块海绵,它能吸收新的信息,并作出改变为其腾出空间,这就是大家熟知的“可塑性”。

10.Lu Xun's grandfather once said: "Time pke a sponge the water, as long as wilpng to squeeze, the total is still there. "鲁迅爷爷曾经说过:“时间就像海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。”