


美式发音: [dʒɔɪnt] 英式发音: [dʒɔɪnt]





复数:joints  现在分词:jointing  过去式:jointed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.joint action,joint effort,joint operation,joint statement,joint committee






1.[obn]联合的;共同的involving two or more people together

a joint account(= a bank account in the name of more than one person, for example a husband and wife)联名账户

The report was a joint effort(= we worked on it together) .这个报告是大家共同努力的成果。

They finished in joint first place.他们获得并列第一。

They were joint owners of the house(= they owned it together) .他们共同拥有这栋房子。


1.关节a place where two bones are joined together in the body in a way that enables them to bend and move

inflammation of the knee joint膝关节发炎

2.(尤指构成拐角的)接头,接合处,接点a place where two or more parts of an object are joined together, especially to form a corner

3.一块烤肉a piece of roast meat

a joint of beef一块烤牛肉

the Sunday joint(= one traditionally eaten on a Sunday)礼拜天吃的大块烤肉

4.(informal)公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所)a place where people meet to eat, drink, dance, etc., especially one that is cheap

a fast-food joint快餐店

5.(informal)大麻烟卷a cigarette containing marijuana (= an illegal drug)

IDMout of joint脱臼;脱位pushed out of its correct position混乱;无秩序;不正常not working or behaving in the normal wayv.

1.~ sth把…切成带骨的大块肉to cut meat into large pieces, usually each containing a bone





n.1.a part of your body that can bend where two bones meet2.a place where two parts of something are connected3.a large piece of meat cooked in an oven4.a restaurant, bar, or club, especially one that is inexpensive and not very nice5.a marijuana cigarette1.a part of your body that can bend where two bones meet2.a place where two parts of something are connected3.a large piece of meat cooked in an oven4.a restaurant, bar, or club, especially one that is inexpensive and not very nice5.a marijuana cigarette

adj.1.involving two or more people, or done by them together

v.1.to cut meat into large pieces

na.1.The variant of juke

1.关节 emotion 情感 joint 关节 pmb 四肢 ...

2.接头 Bellow 波纹管 Joint 接头 Gaskets 垫片 ...

3.共同的 factor n. 因素,方面 joint adj. 共同的 investment n. 投资 ...

4.节理 节礼〖 festivalpresent〗 节理joint〗 节烈〖 womanwhodiedforprotectingherchastity〗 ...

5.连接 subjunctive n 虚拟语气的 joint n 关节;连接 adjoin v 毗连,接壤 ...

6.接合 接轨〖 connectionoftracks〗 接合〖 meet;combine;pnk;unite;joint〗 接火〖 starttoexchangefire …

7.联合的 jettisoned mines 抛放的水雷 joint (诸军种)联合的 joint amphibious operation 联合两栖作战 ...

8.接缝 Foundation pit - 基坑 Joint - 节理(地质),接缝(设计) Hose - 软(皮)管 ...


1.And, usually you won't know if this joint is weak until the piece is done and has been used for a while.并且,在完成胶结并使用一段时间之后你才能发现这个节点的胶不牢固。

2.machinery and equipment, spare parts and components, and other goods imported with funds out of the total investment of a joint venture.合营企业以投资总额以内的资金进口的机器设备、零部件和其他物料。

3.Maffei says the provincial government has formed a joint working party "and is trying to advance a dialogue, albeit with problems" .Maffei说州政府已经成立了联合劳工组织,这个组织“试图展开对话,排除问题”。

4.The Walkie-Talkie building, work on which started in January and is due to be completed in 2014, is a joint venture with Canary Wharf Group.一月开工、定于2014年完工的“步话机”大厦就是与金丝雀码头集团(CanaryWharfGroup)的合作项目。

5.Deciding what to call the company in the long run could be tricky, too, especially if it still is a joint venture after five years.确定合资企业的长期发展方向也是一个棘手的问题,如果五年后该公司仍然为合资公司的话更是如此。

6.How much is the foreign enterprise investing in our joint venture?在我们合资企业里外商准备投资多少?

7.He used to run a trading company, Altai Trading Co. , which had among its interests a gold-mining joint venture.他曾经运营过一家贸易公司AltaiTradingCo.。该公司的权益中就包括一家黄金开采合资企业。

8.Look for these standards to be adopted by the joint committee within the year with a voluntary certification program to follow.期望这些遵循自愿认证计划在今年内通过联合委员会的标准。

9.Pentagon official said the US and South Korea have no plans to cancel joint miptary exercises scheduled for later this month.美国五角大楼官员说,美国和韩国不打算取消定于本月晚些时候举行的联合军事演习。

10.Peter, her assistant for many years, is to be promoted over her head. That will certainly put her nose out of joint.彼得做了她助手多年,现在快要升级做她上司了,她一定会感到十分没趣。