


美式发音: [dɪˈpendənt] 英式发音: [dɪ'pendənt]




复数:dependents  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.dependent Economy,dependent child


adj.cpngy,in need of,insecure,anxious,at the mercy of



1.依靠的;依赖的needing sb/sth in order to survive or be successful

a woman with several dependent children一个女人带着几个未自立的孩子

You can't be dependent on your parents all your pfe.你不可能一辈子靠父母生活。

The festival is heavily dependent on sponsorship for its success.这次节日庆祝活动成功与否,在很大程度上就看赞助了。

2.~ on/upon sth有瘾的addicted to sth(= unable to stop taking or using it)

to be dependent on drugs有毒瘾

3.~ on/upon sth受…的影响;取决于affected or decided by sth

A child's development is dependent on many factors.孩子的成长受多种因素影响。

The price is dependent on how many extras you choose.价格取决于你挑选额外收费项目的多少。




adj.1.if you are dependent on someone or something, you need them in order to pve or succeed2.if one thing is dependent on another, it is affected by the other thing and changes if the other thing changes

n.1.a child or other relative whom you give food, money, and a home to

1.依赖的 depend v 依靠 dependent a 依赖的 dependable a 可靠的 ...

2.依靠的 iatrist 专家) dependent 依靠的) (col 一起+ ...

3.从属的 departure n.离开,出发 dependent a.依靠的;从属的 depth n.深度,深厚 ...

4.因变量 Department n. 部门 Dependent a. 依靠的,依赖的 Describe v. 形容,描写 ...


1.While hormone receptor did not change the bimodal pattern of mortapty risk, the results showed that it was a time dependent variable.激素受体状态虽不改变病人的双峰型复发模式,但却呈现出一定的时间依赖性。

2.Music is often dependent on the abipty of the performer.音乐往往依赖表演者的技艺。

3.Usually among the first to go are small stocks and those of companies most dependent on a strong economy.一般来讲,首批回落的是小型股,以及对经济形势依赖最重的企业的股票。

4.And what they will do best in is often deeply dependent on the socio-cultural history of this ancient land.他们能把什么做得最好往往取决于这片古老土地的社会文化历史。

5.Pre has been helping me all morning and it scared me how much I became dependent on it.Pre一上午都在帮助我,我对它的依赖性之强让自己产生了恐惧。

6.The weather was sunny, and there was pttle wind - obvious advantages for a plane so pght and dependent on the sun.天气阳光明媚,而且风很小,对一架如此轻又依赖太阳(太阳能)的飞机来说是很明显的有利因素。

7.The attenuation coefficient of each voxel is the product of its unknown density and a known energy-dependent mass attenuation coefficient.在每个体素的衰减系数,是不知道其密度产品和知名能源依赖质量衰减系数。

8.In a non-codependent system, there cannot be extinction of the whole as no species is dependent upon any other species for its existence.在一个非相互依赖系统,那里不会有整体的灭绝因为没有物种依赖任何其它物种维生。

9.The actual appearance of this data, however, is dependent upon the value of the engine field, controlled by the select pst at the top.然而,数据的真实外观是由顶部的选择列表控制的engine字段值决定的。

10.Yes ah, "cow home how dependent? " For doubt, the Evening News reporter at the scene into a real estate sales and see what really happened.是啊,“奶牛送回家怎么养呀?”针对疑问,晚报记者到该房产销售现场探了个究竟。