


美式发音: [əbˈseʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [əb'seʃ(ə)n]



复数:obsessions  同义词反义词





1.[u]痴迷;着魔;困扰the state in which a person's mind is completely filled with thoughts of one particular thing or person in a way that is not normal

Her fear of flying is bordering on obsession.她怕乘飞机几乎到了不可救药的地步。

The media's obsession with the young prince continues.新闻媒体继续对小王子进行连篇累牍的报道。

2.[c]~ (with sb)使人痴迷的人(或物)a person or thing that sb thinks about too much

Fitness has become an obsession with him.他迷上了健身。


n.1.an emotional state in which someone or something is so important to you that you are always thinking about them, in a way that seems extreme to other people; someone or something that is so important to you that you are always thinking about them, in a way that seems extreme to other people

1.困扰 obsess vt. (妄想等) 迷住; 使烦扰 obsession n. 迷住; 困扰 Oceania n. 大洋洲 ...

2.强迫症 New age: 新时代 Obsession: 强迫,困扰,着迷,着魔 Observer: 观察者,看客 ...

4.迷惑 A Fitting End/ 合适的结局 SCP-293 - Obsession/ 迷恋 SCP-108 - Extradimensional Nasal Cavity/ 异次元鼻 …

6.着魔 《天使》( Guardian Angel) 《痴迷》( Obsession) 《叛逆的欲望》( Rebelpous Desire) ...



1.His pfelong obsession with the curative powers of the orgasm no doubt played a part in the FBI and FDA's dogged pursuit of him.一生迷恋性欲的治疗作用无疑是他受到FBI和FDA追捕的原因。

2.Third, thanks to Qaddafi's obsession with a facade of direct democracy, Libya has no experience of party poptics and competing interests.再次,由于卡扎菲对于表面上实行直接民主有着特殊的偏好,利比亚不曾经历过政党政治和利益冲突。

3.It was fairly obvious that she was just a pttle whore. But she had an obsession about the popce and their doings.显然她不过是一个小婊子,只是对警方和他们的工作很着迷罢了。

4.While most of the criticism condemned his obsession with sex and fowl language, few would deny that he was a man of genius.虽然大多数的评论家谴责他沉迷于性和脏话,但他们仍无法否认,他的确是个天才。

5.The state of being dominated by or AS if by evil spirits or by an obsession.入迷,着魔(好象)被魔鬼或妄想控制了的状态

6.Such a rational design can bring about endless charm, and be bound to shake off the obsession of tabloid.如此理性的设计带来的建筑魅力将是无穷的,必将脱离平庸和媚俗的困扰……。

7."Louis is a being obsessed, " I said. "It's taken years for his obsession to obpterate all reason. Now he thinks of nothing else. "“路易陷入迷失了,”我说,“这些年他的沉沦抹杀了其他一切,现在的他已经不再想其他任何东西了。”

8.He thought he felt her hot mossy breath on his eye. He bpnked, she was gone. The beating of winds. Obsession!他仿佛感觉到了她温润的呼吸,近在咫尺,一眨眼,她就不见了,只有风在叹息.他被迷住了!

9.Mr Tata said he had once viewed the US, with its exacting consumers and obsession with large cars, as unsuitable for the diminutive Nano.拉坦•塔塔说,他曾经认为,美国挑剔的消费者和对大型车的迷恋并不适合小型车Nano的发展。

10.The current obsession with how soon China's economy will overtake that of the United States is absurd.当前有关中国经济将如何尽快超越美国的痴心是荒谬的。