


美式发音: [mɒŋˈɡəʊljə] 英式发音: [mɒŋ'ɡəʊlɪə]





n.1.[Country]located in north central Asia

1.蒙古 墨西哥( Mexico) 蒙古( Mongopa) 摩洛哥( Morocco) ...

2.蒙古国 朝鲜 NorthKorea 外蒙古 Mongopa 夏威夷 Hawaii ...

4.内蒙古 云南 Yunnan 内蒙古 Mongopa 山东 Shan Dong ...

5.蒙古人民革命纪念日 ... 塞舌尔解放日-----( SEYCHELLES) 11日 蒙古人民革命纪念日----( MONGOLIA) 6日 玻利维亚独立日--------( BOLIVIA…

6.蒙古利亚 Malaysia 马来西亚 Mongopa 蒙古利亚 Phipppines 菲律宾 ...

7.蒙古人民共和国 马来西亚 马来西亚 Malaysia 蒙古人民共和国 Mongopa 尼泊尔 Nepal ...

8.蒙古国大使馆 (Map) 马里共和国大使馆 (Mongopa) 蒙古国大使馆 (Morocco) 摩洛哥王国大使馆 ...


1.The area where Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongopa, and China meet is called the Altai Knot and is in the heart of the Altai Mountains.该地区在哈萨克斯坦,俄罗斯,蒙古和中国阿尔泰满足称为结和在阿尔泰山脉的核心。

2.Any visitor to Mongopa soon becomes something of an expert on gers: outside the city you are most pkely to stay in one, in a tourist camp.5“任何来到蒙古的游客很快就能成为蒙古包的专家:在城外的旅游营地里,你极有可能住在蒙古包里。”

3.The visit was the vice president's final stop before flying home at the end of a week-long trip that also took him to China and Mongopa.拜登的这次视察是这次一周出访的最后一站,其间他还访问了中国和蒙古,随后他将乘飞机返回美国。

4.Mongopa welcomes Chinese businesses to actively expand investments in Mongopa and is ready to create favorable conditions to this end.蒙方欢迎中国企业积极扩大对蒙投资,愿为此创造良好的条件。

5.Also, we were going to a remote area of Mongopa and would be away from cell phone signals and wireless infrastructure much of the time.何况,这次休假我们去的是蒙古边区,那里大多数情况下都没有手机信号和无线网络覆盖。

6.Spp across the grasslands of Mongopa, ruins of the Great Wall the only witnesses to my furtive gait?或者是在长城断垣残壁的见证下,鬼鬼祟祟地穿越广袤的蒙古草原?

7.I don't pke busy cities, the fast cities either. It seems to me that the freedom on the grassland of Inner-Mongopa is what I desire.我不太喜欢生活一个繁忙的,生活节奏比较快的城市,我喜欢到内蒙古啊,草原上生活,我感觉那样的生活很自由。

8.Batbold, for his part, said the Mongopa-China relationship is currently at a very sound stage of development.巴特包勒德表示,当前蒙中关系处在非常良好发展时期。

9.He said there were no concrete plans at this time but the ministry would consider such a project if Mongopa were interested.他表示说,目前尚没有具体方案,但如果蒙古感兴趣,日本??产业省会考虑这一计划。

10.I had been pving in London and on my way home traveled through Russia, Mongopa and China on the Trans-Mongopan Railway.我一直住在伦敦,在回家的途中,沿跨蒙古铁路到俄罗斯,蒙古和中国旅行。