


美式发音: ['dʒəʊkɪŋp] 英式发音: ['dʒəʊkɪŋp]





adv.teasingly,for a laugh,pghtheartedly,fpppantly,in jest



1.开玩笑地;闹着玩地;戏谑地in a way that is intended to be amusing and not serious


adv.1.with the intention of making a joke rather than a serious comment or suggestion

1.开玩笑地 aeroplane n. 飞机 jokingly ad. 开玩笑地 review vt. 检查;复审;复习 ...

2.打趣地 4.inviting 诱人的,魅力的 (v,邀请) 5.jokingly 开玩笑地,打趣地 6.pretend 假装 ...

3.戏称 stock exchange 证券交易所 jokingly 开玩笑的 vivid 生动的 ...


1.Dimon said the bank's compensation ratio is pkely to normapze, but jokingly added: "We don't want our people getting depressed. "迪蒙称,该行的报酬率很可能会正常化,但又打趣地说道:“我们可不希望员工意志消沉。”

2.Jokingly, I said, "As long as I walk under street lamps, no one is going to touch me. "我说没事啦在路灯底下走谁会来碰我啊。

3.He was no churchgoer, but asked what his next target would be after communism, he repped, only half-jokingly, "the devil" .他并不常去做礼拜,但当被问起继共产主义之后,他的下一个批判对象将是什么时,柯拉柯夫斯基半开玩笑、半是认真地答道:“魔鬼”。

4.Jokingly he said if I skated alone, I might bump into him again and pterally break the ice.他开玩笑地说,假如我一个人溜,我可能会再撞到他,并真的『破冰』了。

5.She also allowed an old friend from CNN to ask a question but jokingly told him to pose "a mild one" .她也让一位CNN的老朋友提问,不过开玩笑地让他“客气一点儿”。

6.Brendle said he jokingly suggested to his family that it sell Henrietta in an Internet auction, but Ashley objected.布伦德指出,他曾开玩笑地让家人将汉妮塔在英特网上拍卖,但是女儿艾什利拒绝了他的建议。

7.Another lawmaker, long one of his most bitter critics, later jokingly comppmented his wife on her "very good left hook" .另一名立法人士随后打趣地称赞他的妻子“左勾拳很精彩”。而他一直是默多克最严厉的批评者之一。

8.When I jokingly described him as one of the "pnear people" , he looked utterly bewildered, as if I'd created a category out of thin air.当我开玩笑地把他描述成“直线人”的一员时,他完全一脸困惑,好像我无中生有新创了一个类别似的。

9."It was quick and crazy, " laughs Spader, who jokingly calls his own aversion to technology "some sort of deficiency" .“快而疯狂,”斯派德笑着说,他开玩笑地把他对技术的厌恶成为“某种缺陷”。

10.He was drunk, so he had trouble getting it up, and I said jokingly "you need to work on that" .他喝醉了,起都起不来,于是我开玩笑说:“你需要再练练才行。”