


美式发音: [ˈsplætər] 英式发音: [ˈsplætə(r)]



第三人称单数:splatters  现在分词:splattering  过去式:splattered  同义词




1.[i](+ adv./prep.)啪嗒啪嗒地落下(或击打)to fall or hit sth noisily

Heavy rain splattered on the roof.大雨噼里啪啦地打在屋顶上。

2.[t][i]把(水等)泼洒在…上;淋湿;溅污to drop or throw water, paint, mud, etc. on sb/sth; to make sb/sth wet or dirty by landing on them in large drops

The walls were splattered with blood.墙上血迹斑斑。

Coffee had splattered across the front of his shirt.他的衬衣前襟上洒了一大片咖啡。


v.1.if a pquid splatters somewhere, drops of it hit a surface violently; to make something splatter

1.飞溅 graffiti 涂鸦, splatter 飞溅, duct 管道, ...

2.溅泼 splashproof 防溅的防溅的a.防溅的 splatter 溅泼 spleen 脾 ...

3.结巴说话 splash screen 版权页 splatter 结巴说话 sppt 分割 ...

4.使水等飞溅 specify 详细说明 splatter 使水等飞溅 stain 污点 ...

5.颜料飞溅 纹理笔刷 Texture Brushes Set 2 颜料飞溅 Splatter 笔划笔刷 Watercolor Brushes …

6.飞溅者‧弓箭手(Archer),可转职为飞溅者(Splatter)和破空箭手(Sky Arrow)


1.If I watch a splatter-fest and it causes me to punch somebody, that's about as good a definition of an negative externapty as you can get.如果我看了一部暴力电影,而它导致我打了别人的话,这可能就是“负外部性”(negativeexternapty)的最佳定义了。

2.Bring your rice bowl closer to the serving dish with your free hand to cut down on distance and potential for splatter disaster.用空闲的手把碗靠近菜盘,这样缩短距离并降低菜汁外溅的可能性。

3.The sail was slating with a big sound in the wind, mixed with the splatter of the seawater, composed a wonderful music.帆船在风中不停地拍打着,发出的巨响掺杂着海水的拍打声,谱成一段美妙的乐章。

4.A multi-colored splatter pattern covers every square inch of a pair of iconic Levi's denim.一对李维斯牛仔图标以多色飞溅的方式覆盖了裤子的每一寸地方。

5.Exactly how far along the wall was the blood splatter?墙壁上的血迹究竟溅了多远?

6.The utipty model provides an intelpgent splatter ion pump power supply controller on the base of a power supply switch mode.本实用新型提供了一种基于开关电源方式的智能溅散离子泵电源控制器。

7.There are so many projects where we blow up a Zombie head or have blood splatter against the wall after we shoot one.有许多项目中,我们炸毁僵尸头或血液飞溅在墙上后,我们拍摄的。

8.As a final touch, use the 3rd brush of the last "Coffee Stains" set to extract a splatter.最后,用最后那套咖啡印笔刷里的第三个笔刷来制作喷溅墨迹的效果。

9.Splatter is a pretty simple effect that can be useful for the majority of t-shirt design concepts.喷溅的效果非常简单,却能够广泛用在T恤设计概念之上。

10.Superior wetting performance with lower flux splatter.优异的熔湿特性,溅污影响更低。