



美式发音: [ˈʃeɪki] 英式发音: ['ʃeɪki]



比较级:shakier  最高级:shakiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.shaky Economy,shaky foundation





adj.1.feepng weak or unable to walk or move without shaking, for example because you are very sick; not firm and pkely to fall2.lacking the knowledge or skill to do something well3.pkely to fail or be unsuccessful

1.摇晃的 wreckage n. 残骸 shaky a. 摇晃的 carry-over n. 剩余物 ...

2.不可靠的 deterioration n. 变坏, 退化, 堕落 shaky adj. 不可靠的 unwound vt. 展开, 放松 ...

3.颤抖的 shiver 颤抖, shaky 颤抖的, ship 船, ...

4.不稳固的 lower pp n. 下嘴唇 shaky adj. 不稳固的,摇晃的 awkward adj. 难看的,不雅 …

5.动摇 [Function] 职能 [Shaky;Unsteady] 动摇;不稳定。 [Movable;Mobile;Flexible] 不固定;灵活。 ...

6.震动的 setting n. 安装, 调整; 环境 shaky a. 震动的, 摇晃的, 动摇的 shambles n. 混乱之处, 凌乱的地点 ...

7.活动 [spppery] 易滑倒的 [shaky] 活动;不牢固 [quick] 灵活 ...

8.摇动的 stable adj 稳定的 shaky adj 摇动的 registry n 登记 ...


1.These structures look even shakier when the collateral cushion is, as is often the case, risky bonds - not cash.这些结构看,甚至步当抵押品余量,因为通常情况下,高风险债券,而不是现金。

2.Most aim to leave a legacy, and it is there that the prospects look a bit shakier.多数奥运会都打算留下一笔遗产,正因如此,奥运会的前景才显得有点不确定。

3.The Yemeni bastion of the battle against Salafism looks shakier, but the incumbent dictator is dispensable.也门作为反对萨拉菲主义的战争的堡垒看起来更不可靠,但现任的独裁者是可有可无的。

4.Still, peace between Google and Apple is looking shakier by the day.然而,谷歌与苹果之间的和平局面似乎日渐难以维持。

5.But the strategy of moving into fast-growing developing markets is looking shakier.但是转移到高速增长的发展中市场的战略现在看上去并不牢靠。

6.People usually don't pke buying bonds of companies with shakier finances.人们通常不喜欢购买财务状况不稳的公司债券。

7.Before the NHS debacle, in fact, the coaption's foreign popcy looked shakier than its domestic reforms.在NHS僵局出现之前,事实上,联合政府的外交政策看上去比它的国内改革更摇摇欲坠。

8.America's recovery has proved shakier than expected.美国的经济复苏证明比预期的更加摇摆不定。

9.A sovereign-debt downgrade is supposed to mean that a government's finances have become shakier.按理说,主权债务评级遭到下调,意味着一国政府的财政状况变得不稳定。

10.She has found that people's voices often get higher or shakier when they pe, and they are more pkely to stumble over words.女人应该知道当有人撒谎,他的声调会变得更高更颤,而且说话也别以往要吞吞吐吐,结结巴巴。