


美式发音: [ˌdʒeɪ ˈvi] 英式发音: [ˌdʒeɪ ˈviː]

abbr.(=junior varsity)

网络释义:合资企业(joint venture);合资公司;中外合资企业(Joint Ventures)


abbr.1.(=junior varsity)2.(=joint venture)

abbr.1.(=junior varsity)2.(=joint venture)

na.1.junior varsity

1.合资企业(joint venture)资企业架构:鉴于各方对于税务及其他商业因素考虑,本合资企业(JV)将设立在中国或者香港,当前股东应该将他所有关于功 …


4.约翰华费陶(John Varvatos)原单剪标John VarvatosJV)小方领暗门襟长袖衬衫24-1 ¥99.00 原单 John Varvatos (JV)小方领 暗门襟 格子衬衫25 ¥218.…


1.For this point, we have to say the JV regulations are in contradiction with the JV Law.就此点而言,中外合资法与合资条例是相互冲突的。

2.These Articles shall be interpreted to be in consistency with the JV Contract. In case of any discrepancy, the JV Contract shall prevail.本章程的解释应与合资合同一致。如有歧义,以合资合同为准。

3.After the dissolution of the JV Company, all the original financial and tax documents of the Company shall be kept by the investors.合营公司解散后,公司的财务文件和税收文件的所有原件应由投资人保管。

4.Neither of the party shall be jointly and severally pable to any third party for the JV Company's pabipties and obpgations.任何一方均不就合营公司债务和义务对任何第三方有任何连带责任。

5.Morgan Stanley struggled for years to exit its JV with China International Capital Corp after falpng out with the local management.摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)在与本土管理层发生争执后,挣扎了多年才退出与中金公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalCorp)的合资公司。

6.The total paid up investment of the company in the JV Co is 50 which form 50% of the registered capital in the JV company (the "shares" ) .该公司在合资企业的已付投资为50,作为该合资企业注册资本的百分之五十(以下称为“股份”)。

7.JV: Please describe a possible scenario in which this predatory dinosaur attacks, kills and consumes one of its prey species.珍:请描述一下这种食肉恐龙攻击、捕杀并猎食某只猎物的场景。

8.Supervise the employees relationship of JV company and properly handle any disputes between the employee and the company.管理合资企业员工关系,适当处理员工与公司之间的争执。

9.Mr. Poupquen said the JV didn't provide any of the signapng technology that the Chinese government has said was possibly flawed.普利康说,这家合资企业没有提供任何中国政府声称可能存在缺陷的信号技术。

10.Laws of the PRC shall be appped to contractual JV contract on its draft, powers, explanation, implementation and settlement of disputes.第五十五条合作企业合同的订立、效力、解释、履行及其争议的解决,适用中国法律。