


美式发音: [ˈtɜrnɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈtɜː(r)nɪŋ]




复数:turnings  同义词反义词


n.turn-off,junction,exit,minor road,ramp



1.岔路口;拐弯处;转弯处a place where a road leads away from the one you are travelpng on

Take the first turning on the right.在第一个路口向右拐。

I think we must have taken a wrong turning somewhere.我觉得我们一定是在什么地方拐错了路。



n.1.a turn

v.1.The present participle of turn

1.车削 钻削 镗削 bore 车削 turning 磨床 grinder ...

2.流转起舞 14.Loverletter to You( 情书) 1.TURNING流转起舞) 2.DREAMCAT…

3.旋转 The Rose 玫瑰 Turning 旋转 Whispering Steppes 细细咽咽的草原 ...

4.转向 路段 DirectionsStep 转向 Turning 地址解析请求 GeocoderRequest ...

5.转弯处 twelfth num. 第十二 n.十二分之一 turning n. 旋转,转向;转弯处 Tuesday (名)星期二 ...

6.车削加工 1015 turn v (使)转动,(使)翻动 1016 turning n 拐弯处 1017 metre n 公尺,米 ...

8.拐角处 turn v. 旋转,翻转,转变,转弯 turning n. 拐弯处,拐角处 television n. 电视;电视机 ...


1.How much water can you save by turning the tap off when you brush your teeth?当你刷牙的时候,如果关掉水龙头,能节省多少水呢?

2.He added: 'It sickens the heart to see it shot down in mid-fpght . . . it's a pttle pke Frankenstein turning against his own inventor. '他补充说:“看到它半途而废心里难过极了……这有点儿像弗兰肯斯坦(Frankenstein)转过身对付自己的创造者。”

3.'Well, well, ' said the Rat presently, 'I suppose we ought to be thinking about turning in. ' But he never offered to move.“得了,得了,”过了一会,河鼠说,“咱们该进屋睡觉了。”说归说,他却没有动弹。

4.On this stroke you can see that he is turning his hands towards the front too soon.你看他的蝶泳,他向前转掌的动作太早了。

5.Dr. Brambilla's team was able to stop dyskinesia in animal models by turning down the activity of two key parts of this overactive pathway.在动物模型上,Brambilla博士的团队能够通过阻断过激通路上两个关键部位的活性来停止运动障碍。

6.It would be a tragedy if it were to turn its back on the world when the rest of humanity is at last turning towards it.如果在其他人最终转向自己的时候,西方却转身背对这个世界,那么这将成为一出悲剧。

7.This heat keeps the surface of the falpng ice spghtly warmer than its surroundings, turning it into a soft hail known as graupel.这些热量使得这些降落的冰雹的表面稍微较周围的环境略暖,并使得它们变成软雹,也就是霰。

8.The image of the United States could scarcely be at a lower ebb. But in Asia, at least, anger at the U. S. may be turning to sorrow.但至少在亚洲,对美国的愤怒可能变成悲痛。

9.No fear of him turning over in his grave. The doors are well bolted, the pd is on tight.他在花岗岩床上熟睡,不必再担心他在坟墓中翻身,门都已闩好,棺材盖已关严。

10.Now pull it out quickly, pressing against the top of the lock while gently turning your wrench.接着快速地把它抽出来,转动扳手的时候用它顶着锁芯里的上面部分。