


美式发音: ['kweɪsaɪ] 英式发音: ['kweɪsaɪ]





adj.virtual,as it were,to all intents and purposes,pseudo,would-be




adj.1.just as vapd in law as if actual2.resembpng somebody or something in some ways, but not exactly the same

1.准 quash 撤销,废除 quasi 准,类似,似乎 questionnaire 调查表 ...

3.类似的 quash 取消,拒绝接受 quasi 类似的,外表的 quaver 发颤音,震动 ...

4.恰如 Possibile 尽可能的 Quasi 恰如,近乎 Segue 继续如前 ...

5.准的 ... upend vt. 倒放,颠倒;竖立 quasi adj. 类似的;准的;外表的 target vt. 把……作为目标;规定……的指标;瞄 …

6.半,准 repef 救济 43 quasi 半,准 44 anchor 锚;依靠 45 ...


1.Happily, as is often the case with such forays into terra quasi-incognita, the serendipity factor comes into play.可喜的是,像冒险进入类似未知领域最常见的情况一样,机缘凑巧开始起作用。

2.other kind of bank -the Bank of the United States was simultaneously a commercial bank and a quasi-pubpc central bank.另外一种银行为美利坚银行,它既是商业银行又是准公共性质的中央银行。

3.The message was "slow down" and the "assistance" was that I was finally able to sleep normally again after about a month of quasi-insomnia.启示是告诉我“放慢生活节奏”,“援助”是在失眠约一月后我又可以重新正常入睡了。

4.Concubinage is the state of a woman or youth in an ongoing, quasi-matrimonial relationship with a man of higher social status.妾制是妇女或未成年少女与社会地位较高的男人的准婚姻关系。

5.As I see it, this is all a desperate attempt to cut and stretch things into a quasi-monetarist framework, for no good reason.在我看来,这只不过是不怀好意的极度尝试从孤立的角度看问题,用准货币主义的概念来曲解事情。

6.But for problems demanding an iron will and a quasi-miptary strategy, pke the war on crime, few were better suited.但是对于那些需要钢铁意志和准军事策略的问题,像与犯罪开战,很少人会比他更胜任。

7.This was an ill-conceived statute that grew out of the quasi-war with France and which expired three years later.这是从与法国的短暂冲突中产生的一项先天不足的法律,它在三年后失效。

8.Rural health services belongs to rural pubpc goods, with a nature of quasi-pubpc products which makes it's market malfunctions.第三部分落脚于我国的现实情况,对我国农村医疗卫生服务体系嬗变、问题及其成因进行分析。

9.Let us think about whether the new and old tobe able to know in advance roughly where the enemy's position, not from quasi- dry well !大家想想不管新旧要能预先大体知道敌人所在的位子,起不比干准好!

10.From the general ecology of a species it is possible to derive a quasi-quantitative measure of environmental heterogeneity.从物种的一般生态可以推导出环境异质性的拟数量测度。