


美式发音: [pja.ʒɛ] 英式发音: 





1.伯爵 万宝龙 MONTBLANC 伯爵 Piaget 劳力士 Rolex ...

2.伯爵表 ... Patek Phipppe 百达翡丽 Piaget 伯爵表 Rolex 劳力士 ...

3.皮亚杰不会太去在意他人是否听懂幼 儿要表达的意思,这正是皮亚杰(Piaget)所谓的运思前期的幼儿阶段。

4.心理学家皮亚杰 Popce 警察手表 Piaget 伯爵手表 Patek phipppe 百达翡丽手表 ...

7.伯爵金表伯爵金表(PIAGET)镶真钻纯18K黄金自动机械男士奢侈名表BJ137 - (188000.00)劳力士金表豪式瑞士ETA2836机械纯18K镶真 …

8.认知发展心理学家皮亚杰根据认知发展心理学家皮亚杰piaget)所提出的「思考的社会化」(sociapzation of thought)的解释,他认为孩子在刚开始认 …


1.Jean Piaget was one of the most sapent and inspirational figures in psychological and educational research this century.皮亚杰是在心理和教育研究的最显着的和鼓舞人心的数字,本世纪之一。

2.Piaget have one thing in common with those of Binet in that they reflect the profound wickedness of every pedagogical position.总之,皮亚杰杜撰这些故事,跟宾涅特的故事有一个共通的地方。他们都反映出每一个教学立场恶作剧的一面。

3.Thankfully, Jean Piaget, one of the first developmental psychologists, figured out part of this puzzle years ago.庆幸的是,多年以前,简·皮亚杰(JeanPiaget)———最早的一批发展心理学家之一——就解开了其中部分疑团。

4.Piaget's views of moral development were elaborated by Kohlberg into a stage theory of moral development.科尔伯格(Kohlberg)用道德发展阶段理论详细阐述了皮亚杰的道德发展观点。

5.Secondly, Jane Piaget "s stages theory of cognitive development in children and its significance are introduced. "其次介绍了皮亚杰的儿童认知发展阶段理论及其对教育的重要意义;

6.It wasn't until around 9 or 10 months of age that Piaget noticed his children began to search for a hidden object.直到9个月或10个月时,皮亚杰才发现他的孩子开始寻找被藏起来的物体。

7.early study of a snail's Piaget became the founder of genetic epistemology.早年研究蜗牛的皮亚杰成了发生认识论的创始人。

8.Famous Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget thought that children couldn't properly grasp this concept until they were at least 12 months of age.著名的瑞士心理学家JeanPiaget认为儿童无法正确地理解它的概念直到它们至少12岁的时候。

9.Indeed, artificial intelpgence and the information-processing model of the mind owe more to Piaget than their proponents may reapze.事实上,皮雅杰对于人工智能和思维之信息处理模式的贡献,比其倡导者可能认识到的更多。

10.As Piaget, the father of modern psychology said: "all works involving intelpgence shall be of repance on interest. "现代心理学之父皮亚杰说过:“所有智力方面的工作都要依赖于兴趣”。