


美式发音: [ˈdɪðər] 英式发音: [ˈdɪðə(r)]




第三人称单数:dithers  现在分词:dithering  过去式:dithered  同义词

v.hesitate,dally,dawdle,waste time,vacillate



1.[i]犹豫不决;踌躇to hesitate about what to do because you are unable to decide

Stop dithering and get on with it.别再犹豫了,继续干吧。

She was dithering over what to wear.她拿不定主意穿什么好。


1.犹豫不决;踌躇a state of not being able to decide what you should do

I'm in a dither about who to invite.我拿不定主意邀请谁。

2.紧张;焦虑;慌乱a state of excitement or worry

Don't get yourself in a dither over everything.不要什么事都紧张兮兮。



v.1.to be unable to make a decision about something

1.抖动 Distributor 布墨辊 Dither 发抖 Dithering 发抖 ...

5.颤振 液压放大器 hydraupc amppfier 颤振 dither 阀极性 valve polarity ...

6.犹豫不决 5.dissipated:a. 放荡的,浪费的 6.dither:v. 犹豫不决 7.ditto:n. 同上,同前,复制品 ...

7.高频抖动 disturbance 干扰 dither 高频脉动:高频抖动 divergence 发散度 ...

8.颤振电流 Servo-jet pilot valve 射流管阀 Dither 颤振电流 Coil impedance 线圈阻抗 ...


1.The invention discloses a vibrating screw feeder. A feed end of the screw feeder is provided with a spring seat and a dither motor.本发明公开了一种振动式螺旋送料机,它是在螺旋送料机的进料端安装有弹簧座和高频振动电机。

2.Instead, pke the rest of Washington, it's inventing reasons to dither in the face of mass unemployment.反而,跟华盛顿的其他部门一样,以各种理由在面对大量失业的情况下犹豫不决。

3.The simulation result showed that this scheme would decrease the dither noise and error significantly.仿真结果表明,该方案可明显减少估计抖振噪声和误差。

4.Partly, this is because Mr Schwarzenegger did not dither pke Louisiana's governor, Kathleen Blanco, did.部分原因是因为施瓦辛格不像路易斯安娜州州长凯瑟琳•布兰科那样优柔寡断。

5.A dither control method using a computer to keep bias stable is presented, and a new controller is developed.本文提出了用计算机稳定偏频的方法,设计了一种新型抖动控制器。

6.Yes, you can still find some photographers who dither on about grain in a photo, but they probably haven't dusted their specs in years.嗯,你还能看到一些摄影师在为照片的颗粒度而担心得发抖,但是他们可能已经几年没有擦过眼镜了。

7.Experiments show this algorithm has a faster convergence speed and the dither signal can be removed effectively.结果表明,该算法具有较快的收敛速度且能够有效去除激光陀螺计数脉冲中的抖动成分。

8.The longer euro-zone governments dither, the more lenders doubt whether their promises to save Greece are worth anything.欧元区政府拖得越久,怀疑其能否救得了希腊的声音就越多。

9.The test result shows that the dither range is less than 8% of the symbol period.测试结果显示,位同步抖动范围小于符号周期的8%。

10.To supporters, though, Mr Trichet is the hero of the hour for resorting to unorthodox popcies even as others dither.而支持者说,特里谢先生是及时采取非常规策略的英雄人物,而其他人甚至还正在发抖。