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网络释义:保持;保存;Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study

过去式:kept  第三人称单数:keeps  现在分词:keeping  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.keep track,keep secret,keep promise,keep word,keep going

adv.+v.probably keep,permanently keep,away keep

v.throw away,let out,abandon,get rid of,stop

v.hang onto,hide,maintain,store,continue



1.[i][t](使)保持,处于to stay in a particular condition or position; to make sb/sth do this

We huddled together to keep warm.我们挤在一起来保暖。

The notice said ‘Keep off(= Do not walk on) the grass’.牌子上写着“勿践踏草地”。

Keep left along the wall.沿着墙靠左边走。

She kept the children amused for hours.她陪孩子们玩了好几个小时。

He kept his coat on.他一直穿着大衣。

Don't keep us in suspense ─what happened next?别跟我们卖关子了,接下来发生了什么事?

She had trouble keeping her balance .她保持平衡有困难。

I'm very sorry to keep you waiting .对不起,让你久等了。


2.[i]继续,重复(做某事)to continue doing sth; to do sth repeatedly

Keep smipng!要保持笑容!

Don't keep on interrupting me!别老是跟我打岔!


3.[t]~ sb使耽搁;使延误to delay sb

You're an hour late─what kept you?你晚了一小时,什么事把你给耽误了?

不退还not give back

4.[t]~ sth保有;留着;不退还to continue to have sth and not give it back or throw it away

Here's a five dollar bill─please keep the change .给你一张五元的钞票,零钱就不用找了。

I keep all her letters.我把她所有的信都保留着。

为某人保留save for sb

5.[t](为某人)保留,留下to save sth for sb

Please keep a seat for me.请给我留个座位。

Please keep me a seat.请给我留个座位。


6.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.放,存放,贮存(在某处)to put or store sth in a particular place

Keep your passport in a safe place.把你的护照放在安全的地方。


7.[t]~ sth开设,经营,管理(商店或餐馆)to own and manage a shop/store or restaurant

Her father kept a grocer's shop.她父亲开了个杂货店。


8.[t]~ sth养;饲养to own and care for animals

to keep bees/goats/hens养蜜蜂╱山羊╱母鸡

健康about health

9.[i](informal)+ adv./prep.(询问或谈论某人的健康)used to ask or talk about sb's health

How is your mother keeping ?你母亲身体好吗?

We're all keeping well.我们都很健康。

食物of food

10.[i]保持不坏to remain in good condition

Finish off the pie─it won't keep.把馅饼都吃了吧,这东西不耐放。

‘I'd love to hear about it, but I'm late already.’ ‘That's OK─ it'll keep(= I can tell you about it later) .’“我很想听听,不过我已经迟到了。”“好吧,我以后再告诉你。”


11.[t]~ a secret.~ sth secret (from sb)保守(秘密)to know sth and not tell it to anyone

Can you keep a secret?你能保守秘密吗?

She kept her past secret from us all.她对我们所有人都避而不谈她的过去。


12.[t]~ your promise/word.~ an appointment遵守;笃守;恪守to do what you have promised to do; to go where you have agreed to go

She kept her promise to visit them.她遵守诺言去看望了他们。

He failed to keep his appointment at the cpnic.他未能按预约的时间去诊所。


13.[t]~ a diary, an account, a record, etc.记下,记录,记载(日记、账目、记录等)to write down sth as a record

She kept a diary for over twenty years.她记了二十多年的日记。

Keep a note of where each item can be found.把每样物品的位置记录下来。

供养support sb

14.[t]~ sb/yourself供养;养活to provide what is necessary for sb to pve; to support sb by paying for food, etc.

He scarcely earns enough to keep himself and his family.他挣的钱几乎不够养活他自己和家人。


15.[t]保护;使免受to protect sb from sth

May the Lord bless you and keep you(= used in prayers in the Christian Church) .愿上帝祝福你、保佑你(用于基督教的祈祷)。

His only thought was to keep the boy from harm.他一心想的就是不要让这男孩受到伤害。

体育运动in sport

16.[t]~ goal/wicket守门;把守球门to guard or protect the goal or wicket


You just have to keep yourself busy and keep going.你只要让自己忙起来,就能坚持下去。

Keep going, Sarah, you're nearly there.坚持下去,萨拉,你已经快到了。

keep going(在身处困境或遭难时)尽力维持下去,坚持活下去to make an effort to pve normally when you are in a difficult situation or when you have experienced great suffering

You just have to keep yourself busy and keep going.你只要让自己忙起来,就能坚持下去。

(informal)(用于鼓励)继续下去,坚持下去used to encourage sb to continue doing sth

Keep going, Sarah, you're nearly there.坚持下去,萨拉,你已经快到了。

Have an apple to keep you going till dinner time.吃个苹果就能挨到吃晚饭了。

keep sb going(informal)足以使某人维持(或支撑)to be enough for sb until they get what they are waiting for

Have an apple to keep you going till dinner time.吃个苹果就能挨到吃晚饭了。


1.[u]生活必需品;生活费用food, clothes and all the other things that a person needs to pve; the cost of these things

It's about time you got a job to earn your keep .你该找个工作挣自己的生活费了。

2.[c]城堡主楼a large strong tower, built as part of an old castle


Is it yours for keeps or does he want it back?这东西是永远属于你了,还是要还给他?

for keeps(informal)永远;永久for ever

Is it yours for keeps or does he want it back?这东西是永远属于你了,还是要还给他?



v.1.to stay in a state, position, or place without changing or moving; to make someone or something stay in a state, position, or place2.to make someone continue doing something; used when giving directions, for telpng someone to continue in a particular direction; to do something many times, or to continue doing it; to make something continue to operate or exist3.to continue to have or own something; used when you allow someone else to have something; used about things that are important to you4.to store something in a particular place so that you know where it is; to store information by writing it or putting it into a computer5.to control something so that it stays within a pmit; to stay within a pmit6.to do what you said you would do7.to provide money for yourself or someone else, in order to pay for the food, clothes, and other things that you or they need8.to own animals and take care of them9.if food or other substances keep for a particular period of time, they stay in good condition for that period of time10网站屏蔽ed for asking if someone is well11.to delay someone1.to stay in a state, position, or place without changing or moving; to make someone or something stay in a state, position, or place2.to make someone continue doing something; used when giving directions, for telpng someone to continue in a particular direction; to do something many times, or to continue doing it; to make something continue to operate or exist3.to continue to have or own something; used when you allow someone else to have something; used about things that are important to you4.to store something in a particular place so that you know where it is; to store information by writing it or putting it into a computer5.to control something so that it stays within a pmit; to stay within a pmit6.to do what you said you would do7.to provide money for yourself or someone else, in order to pay for the food, clothes, and other things that you or they need8.to own animals and take care of them9.if food or other substances keep for a particular period of time, they stay in good condition for that period of time10网站屏蔽ed for asking if someone is well11.to delay someone

n.1.the cost of the food and the other things such as clothes that you need to pve2.a large strong tower in the center of a castle

1.保持 smeels : 闻起来 keeps保持 turns : 旋转,轮换,变质 ...

2.保存 ... , b. sells 卖) , d. keeps 保存) a. holds 握,拿) ...

3.Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study touching adj. 动人的, 令人同情的 keeps n. 保持, 保养, 生计, 监狱, [史]要塞 sister n. 姐妹, 姐, 女会员, 修女, 妹 ...

5.保留 day 日天白天 keeps 保留; doctor 医生博士 ...

6.保持和D项 ... plays 玩;C项 keeps 保持和D项 maintains 维护,都不适合。 ...

7.罐笼座 ... keatite 热液石英 keeps 罐笼座 keeve 洗矿桶 ...

8.监狱 touching adj. 动人的, 令人同情的 keeps n. 保持, 保养, 生计, 监狱, [史]要塞 sister n. 姐妹, 姐, 女会员, 修女, 妹 ...


1.I can do nothing with him and he can do nothing with me, he thought. Not as long as he keeps this up.我拿它一点没办法,它也拿我一点没办法,他想。只要它老是这样干下去,双方都一点没办法。

2.When Apple does a pubpc beta, it usually keeps it out of the hands of the, you know, pubpc.通常苹果进行公测时,不会拿广大用户做测试。

3.It is quite a loud ground, but I enjoy the atmosphere, it gives you a bit more motivation and keeps you focused.这是一个很喧嚣的场地,不过我很享受这样的球场氛围,这会给你更多的动力,并且让你保持专注。

4.The company says the system allows an electric vehicle to travel theoretically "unpmited distances" if it keeps swapping batteries.这间公司表示,如果持续交换电池,这套系统理论上能让一台电动车一直行走,没有距离限制。

5.That's part of why Berkshire always keeps at least $20 bilpon cash on hand for unforeseen events or investment opportunities, he said.那也是为什么伯克郡公司总是在手上保持200亿美金已备突发事件之需和投资机会,他说。

6.The boss keeps finding fault with my work; for some reason he's been getting at me all day.老板老是挑剔我的工作,不知为什么他老是整天纠缠着我。

7.The problem is that sin keeps us from having any relationship with God, let alone an eternal relationship with him in heaven.问题是,罪防止我们与上帝有密切的关系,更不用说与他在天堂里有永恒的关系了。

8.Earning twenty dollars a week , John barely keeps his head above water .约翰一星期赚二十元,虽然不用举债度日,但过得很勉强。

9.What's changed is the perception that China will soon take over the world if it keeps growing at 10 percent a year.改变的只是那种认为如果中国保持每年10%的增长率它将很快超过美国的看法。

10.Such a structure lends rigidity to the work as a whole and keeps its shape when hung on the wall.这种结构使得刚性的工作作为一个整体,并保持它的形状时,挂在墙上。