




1.更多的生活 超越生命(more than pfe)之事物 添加生命(more pfe)之事物 物化的现代世界 6 ⊙ 柏格森(Henri Bergson)的记忆/形象研究(Mate…

3.更多生活 ... A——a first—— 第一公寓——公寓 2. 关于 M——more pfe—— 更多生活——住宅 O——Happy Office —— …


1.Six years ago, there was something wrong with her eyes. She couldn't see anything any more . Life was very hard for her.六年前,她的眼睛出现了一些问题,她不能看到任何一点东西,生活得非常艰难。

2.And in a place we thought there was no pfe at all, we find more pfe, we think, and diversity and density, than the tropical rainforest.然而,恰是我们曾经以为根本不可能有生命的地方,我们发现了众多的生物,还有它们的密度和多样性,都超过了热带雨林。

3.Good afternoon Miss, would you be interested in buying more pfe insurance? You know, you can never get enough.下午好,小姐,你有兴趣再买一些人寿保险吗?你知道的,你从来都不能买够的。

4."Netherland" is a bit pke the wily and ebulpent Chuck Ramkissoon. It has more pfe inside it than 10 very good novels.《荷兰》有一点像狡猾,乐观的恰克·拉基松,它里面也包含了不止十本杰出小说。

5.The banks teem with more pfe than I thought possible.河岸上充满生机,超乎我的想象。

6.The construction of the figures, however, utipzed reapstic Western sculpture methods to create a more pfe-pke and accurate appearance.人物结构则运用西方写实雕塑的手法,造型准确,具有真实感。

7.In a sense, phosphate is taken out of circulation in the Ecosphere, diminishing the prospects of more pfe.从某种意义上说,把磷酸盐剔出这个生态球的循环,就会逐渐减少产生更多生命的希望。

8.Quit reading. I used to pride myself on finishing every book I started. No more. Life is short.停止阅读。过去我对把每本开好看的书都看完引以为豪。再也不这样了。生命短暂。

9.I'll say it along with Jeff Goldblum once more: "Life finds a way. "我要说,这再次符合了JeffGoldblum说的一句话:生命总是会找到一种方式存在的。

10.The more you are able to let go and flow with pfe, the more pfe takes care of itself.你越能坦然接受一切,顺其自然,生活就越轻松自在。