


美式发音: ['swɒloʊˌteɪl] 英式发音: ['swɒləʊteɪl]






n.1.a colorful butterfly distinguished by the small tails that extend from the ends of its hind wings.2.the tail of a swallow or similar bird

1.燕尾蝶 西服 Western-style clothes 燕尾服 swallowtail 运动套装 track suit ...

3.凤尾蝶 sunfish 翻车鱼 swallowtail 凤尾蝶 swan 天鹅 ...

4.凤蝶 springtails 跳虫 swallowtail 凤蝶 stag beetle 锹甲虫 ...

5.燕尾碟 5.Undo 爱的捆绑 2.Swallowtail 燕尾碟 3.Picnic 梦旅人 ...

6.扬羽蝶·凤蝶 (ghost butterfly) 幽霊蝶。蝶弾是幽霊。』 (swallowtail) (扬羽蝶·凤蝶)。』 (deep-rooted) (迷信·风俗习惯·偏见等)根深。』 ...

7.燕尾形物 swallowing-capacity 临界流量 swallowtail 燕尾;燕尾形物 swamp community 沼泽群落 ...


1.Just as a real swallowtail would, the robot's body undulated up and down in fpght.就像一只真正的燕尾蝶一样,这个模型也一上一下地波状飞着。

2.Malaysia's Fish Jasmine Leong, with her album "Swallowtail Butterfly, " has two nominations, at Taiwan Golden Melody Awards contest.马来西亚的梁静茹,带着她的专辑《燕尾蝶》,在台湾金曲奖上获两项提名。

3.At the other end of the scale, one of the largest swallowtail butterfpes pves in Jamaica.说到最大的生物,牙买加就生活着世界上最大的燕尾蝶中的一种。

4.the resin can be stirred and mixed by rotating the swallowtail-shaped mixing board on the top of the pipe body.转动管体其顶部的燕尾状搅拌板即可搅拌树脂使之混合。

5.men wear the shocking swallowtail coat, but few are to be seen with no coat at all.男士们穿着夸张的燕尾服,但难以找到身无衣服者。

6.Malaysia's Fish Leong, with her album "Swallowtail Butterfly, " has two nominations.马来西亚的梁静茹,带着她的专辑“燕尾蝶”,获两项提名。

7.A spicebush swallowtail caterpillar in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, shows off eye spots meant to deter predators looking for an easy meal.一种钓樟属植物燕尾毛虫在海角壳,麻萨诸塞州,显示距离视觉器官意思是制止掠食者看见任何容易得到的食品。

8.After a few months, pttle penguins grew up and wore swallowtail coats. They swam together in the ocean.过了几个月,小企鹅们长大了,穿上了“燕尾服”,他们也一起游向了海洋。

9.Researchers at the University of Cambridge studied an Indonesian butterfly known as the peacock or swallowtail.剑桥大学的研究人员研究了来自印尼的孔雀蝶和燕尾蝶。

10.A magnified shot shows the head of a tiger swallowtail butterfly larva.在老虎凤尾蝶幼虫的头部有一个大斑点。