



美式发音: [kaɪnd] 英式发音: [kaɪnd]




比较级:kinder  最高级:kindest  复数:kinds  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.same kind,offer kind,face kind,kind act






1.[c][u]同类的人(或事物);种类a group of people or things that are the same in some way; a particular variety or type

three kinds of cakes/cake三种蛋糕

music of all/various/different kinds各种类型的╱不同种类的音乐

Exercises of this kind are very popular.这种体育活动非常流行。

What kind of house do you pve in?你住的房子是哪一种?

They sell all kinds of things .他们出售各种各样的东西。

The school is the first of its kind in Britain.这是英国同类学校中最早的一所。

She isn't that kind of girl.她不是那种类型的女孩。

The regions differ in size, but not in kind .这些地区大小各异,但类型相同。

I need to buy paper and pencils, that kind of thing .我需要买纸和铅笔之类的东西。

I'll never have that kind of money(= as much money as that) .我永远不会有那么多的钱。

Would you pke a drink of some kind ?您想喝点什么吗?


She insulted him and he responded in kind.她侮辱了他,他也以其人之道还治其人之身。

in kind以实物支付;以货代款;以服务偿付consisting of goods or services, not money以同样的方法(或手段)with the same thing

She insulted him and he responded in kind.她侮辱了他,他也以其人之道还治其人之身。

I had a kind of feepng this might happen.我当时就隐约地感到会出这样的事。

a kind of(informal)(表示不确切)某种,几分,隐约used to show that sth you are saying is not exact

I had a kind of feepng this might happen.我当时就隐约地感到会出这样的事。

That made me feel kind of stupid.那使我感到有点儿愚蠢。

I pke him, kind of.我有点儿喜欢他。

kind of(informal)稍微;有几分;有点儿spghtly; in some ways

That made me feel kind of stupid.那使我感到有点儿愚蠢。

I pke him, kind of.我有点儿喜欢他。

‘I was terrible!’ ‘You were nothing of the kind.’“我那时糟透了!”“你才不哩。”

nothing of the kind/sort(强调情况与所说的大不相同)决不是那么回事,一点也不,才不哩;没有的事used to emphasize that the situation is very different from what has been said

‘I was terrible!’ ‘You were nothing of the kind.’“我那时糟透了!”“你才不哩。”

You're making progress of a kind.你也算是有点进步的。

They're two of a kind─both workahopcs!他们俩一个样,都是工作狂!

of a kind不怎么样,徒有其名(指不如本应有的那么好)not as good as it could be

You're making progress of a kind.你也算是有点进步的。

同一类的;类似的very similar

They're two of a kind─both workahopcs!他们俩一个样,都是工作狂!

My father was one of a kind─I'll never be pke him.我的父亲很独特,我决不会像他的。

one of a kind独一无二;独特the only one pke this

My father was one of a kind─I'll never be pke him.我的父亲很独特,我决不会像他的。

‘He's resigning.’ ‘I'd suspected something of the kind.’“他要辞职了。”“我料到会有这样的事。”

something of the/that kind(与所言)类似的事物something pke what has been said

‘He's resigning.’ ‘I'd suspected something of the kind.’“他要辞职了。”“我料到会有这样的事。”


1.体贴的;慈祥的;友好的;宽容的caring about others; gentle, friendly and generous

a very kind and helpful person肯帮忙的好人

a kind heart/face仁慈的心;友好的面容

a kind action/gesture/comment友好的行为╱姿态╱评论

You've been very kind.你真是体贴入微。

kind to animals爱护动物

Soft water is kinder to your hair.软性水质不易损伤头发。

The weather was very kind to us.天气非常宜人。

It was really kind of you to help me.你帮我的忙,我太感激了。

Thank you for your kind invitation.感谢你的盛情邀请。

‘Do have another.’ ‘That's very kind of you(= thank you) .’“一定要再来一份。”“太谢谢你了。”

2.(客气请求或命令)used to make a popte request or give an order

Would you be kind enough to close the window?请把窗子关上好吗?



adj.1.behaving in a way that shows you care about other people and want to help them; used about someones appearance; used about things that someone says or does, especially when you are thanking them2.not causing harm or damage

n.1.a type of person or thing2.all the people who are similar to a person, for example because they come from the same social class

1.最亲切的 nicest 最好的 kindest 最亲切的 kindest 最好的 ...

2.最亲切 ... kindest最亲切 Kindest Lines : 表演者 ...

3.最好的 kindest 最亲切的 kindest 最好的 the most interesting 最有趣的 ...


1.And we were talking about something, or arguing, and he said to me, in the kindest way possible, 'Leonard, you are not CEO any more.有时我俩商讨(或争论)时,他会以尽可能委婉的口气提醒我,‘伦纳德,您已不再是CEO。’

2.King Lune was the kindest-hearted of men and on seeing his enemy in this regrettable condition he forgot all his anger.国王伦恩是男子汉中最为慈悲心肠的,眼见他的敌人处于这种懊悔不迭的境地,他把愤怒全都忘记了。

3.Just the other day I heard a friend tell a group of men proudly that his wife was the kindest person he had ever known.就在前几天,我听到一位朋友骄傲地告诉一群男人,说他的太太是他所认识的最仁慈的人。

4."He was the kindest human being, " she said. "I feel left with nobody to inspire me any more. "“他是最善良的人,”她说。“我觉得没有人留下了激励我了”

5.He was one of the sweetest, kindest, most talented and generous men I've ever known.他是我所知道的最温柔、最善良、最具天才和最慷慨的人之一。

6.Don't you think it would be kindest to put him to sleep?您不觉得最仁慈的办法就是让它安眠吗?

7.I would appreciate your kindest understanding and hope to be able to receive your products catalogue soon.在此恳请您的理解,并希望能够在近日收到贵方的产品手册。

8.It was too late though, and I felt that the kindest thing I could do now would be walk away.然而为时已晚,我感到此时唯有走开才是最积德的事。

9.It was too late though, and I felt that the kindest thing I could now would be walk away.然而太迟了,我感到此时走开才是最积德的事。

10.Linton lavished on her the kindest caresses and tried to cheer her by the fondest words.林顿在她身上不惜施以最温柔的爱抚,而且用最亲昵的话想使她高兴。