


美式发音: [kɪŋz] 英式发音: [kiŋz]





n.1.The plural of king

1.国王 列王记上-1 Kings 列王记下-2 Kings 历代记上-1 Chronicles ...

3.列王记上 撒母耳记下-2 Samuel 列王记上-1 Kings 列王记下-2 Kings ...

4.列王纪 列王纪上 列王纪上 1 Kings 列王纪下 列王纪下 2 Kings 历代志上 编年纪上 1 Chronicles ...

6.列王纪上 撒母耳记下 撒慕尔纪下 2 Samuel 列王纪上 列王纪上 1 Kings 列王纪下 列王纪下 2 Kings ...


1."We don't have many kings during the tenth century that could have built such a structure, basically just David and Solomon, " she said.她说,除了大卫王和所罗门王以外,我们还没有找到其他的皇帝能够在公元前10世纪建造出这样的一座建筑物。

2.He did not know how the world is simppfied for kings. To them, all men are subjects.他哪里知道,在那些国王的眼里,世界是非常简单的:所有的人都是臣民。

3.And they buried him in the City of David among the kings, because he had done good in Israel, both toward God and His house.葬在大卫城列王的坟墓里;因为他在以色列人中行善,又事奉神,修理神的殿。

4.The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.第六位把他那一碗倒在幼发拉底大河上;河水就乾了,让那些东方的列王之道路得以预备出来。

5.She settled down and gave birth to a son, Some of her children remained in Egypt and ruled as kings for a longtime.她在那里落户并生了个儿子。她的一些子孙就呆在了埃及,当了很长时间的国王。

6.Uzziah rested with his fathers and was buried near them in a field for burial that belonged to the kings, for people said, 'He had leprosy.乌西雅与他列祖同睡,葬在王陵的田间他列祖的坟地里。因为人说,他是长大麻疯的。

7.A people is now coming from the north, And a great nation and many kings Are stirring from the uttermost parts of the earth.有一民从北方而来,并有一大国和许多君王被激动,从地极来到。

8.But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses.你们出去,到底是要看什么,要看穿细软衣服的人吗,那穿细软衣服的人,是在王宫里。

9.It has created palaces, but it was not so easy to create noblemen and kings.文明造出了皇宫,可是要造出贵族和国王却没那么容易。

10.For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable pfe in all godpness and honesty.为君王和一切在位的也该如此。使我们可以敬虔端正,平安无事的度日。