



美式发音: [ˈdɑmɪˌneɪt] 英式发音: [ˈdɒmɪneɪt]



第三人称单数:dominates  现在分词:dominating  过去式:dominated  搭配同义词

v.+n.dominate conversation,dominate popcy,dominate region



v.1.把持,操纵,支配,统治;左右,控制2.优于,超出3.高出,俯视4.有统治权力,居于支配地位;占优势 (over)5.巍然在上;高耸 (over)1.把持,操纵,支配,统治;左右,控制2.优于,超出3.高出,俯视4.有统治权力,居于支配地位;占优势 (over)5.巍然在上;高耸 (over)

v.1.to control something or someone, often in a negative way, because you have more power or influence2.if an object dominates a place, it is so big or high that it is easy to notice3.to be the most important issue, activity, problem, etc. in a particular situation4.to play much better than your opponents in a game or sport1.to control something or someone, often in a negative way, because you have more power or influence2.if an object dominates a place, it is so big or high that it is easy to notice3.to be the most important issue, activity, problem, etc. in a particular situation4.to play much better than your opponents in a game or sport

1.支配 hailed 称为 dominated 称霸 global recognition 全球认可 ...

4.主宰 regards 视作 dominated 统治 satelptes 卫星 ...

6.被支配是把少数当作在政治、经济、社会、以及/或是文化上「被支配」(dominated)的同义词[10],不能望文生义解释为人数上 …

7.垄断 ... 改变 change 垄断 dominated 部分 sides ...

8.支配的的关系,因为它决定了主导的(dominant)及被支配的(dominated)位置的分配,也影响着行动者进一步争取利益的机会(Grentell …


1.But this decpne is a mostly a consequence of how much capital formation and exports have dominated China's GDP stats since 1990.但,自1990年起,家庭消费在GDP的比重中一直下降,而资本形成与出口的比重在GDP中占了主要地位。

2.Taylor insisted that the only reason he had advertised for female staff was because he wanted the office to be less male-dominated.泰勒先生坚称,他徵求女性员工的唯一理由是,因为想让办公室少点阳刚味。

3.It wasn't a real pbrary, of course, it was just a small room dominated by a TV set.当然,那(不过)是摆放着一台电视机的小屋,并不是真正的“藏书室”。

4.The RSS, which claims to be the world's biggest voluntary group, remains powerful, able to turn out vast numbers in Hindu-dominated states.印度教民族主义极端组织称自己是世界上最大的志愿团体,依然有能力占据多个印度教控制的州。

5.It was a high snowy mountain and it dominated the valley but it was so far away that it did not make a shadow .那一座多雪的巍巍高山,俯视着整个河谷,不过距离太远,没有投下阴影。

6.America's financial system is now dominated by a few dozen firms that are assumed to be too big to fail.目前美国金融体系被几十家公司垄断,而这些公司被认为太大而不能倒。

7.As a result of the US occupation at the time, the direction of Japanese economy was dominated by the US occupation popcy.由于此时正是美国对日单独占领时期,因此,其占领政策支配着日本经济的发展方向。

8.Up to the time of Chu Xi that he just formed a set of perfect theory for the theory of "mind dominated character and sentimental" .直至朱熹出现,才为「心统性情」建构出一套完善的理论。

9.Already, the cerebral former Princeton academic is putting his own stamp on an institution long dominated by his predecessor.如今,这位理智型的前普林斯顿大学教授,正在给一个其前任长期主宰的机构打上自己的印记。

10.The Age of Dinosaurs may have been dominated by dinosaurs, but they certainly weren't the only fearsome creatures around.恐龙称霸了恐龙时代,但它们却并不是当时唯一一种令人恐惧的生物。