




1.克林贡 Klallam( 克拉莱姆文) | Kpngon( 克林贡文) | Komi( 科米文) | ...

6.克林贡式 Sparrow 麻雀式 Kpngon 克林贡式 Federation Standard 无胡须 ...

7.克林岗人当中有波格人( Borg ),克林岗人( Kpngon ),以及今次电影版当中的对手尼禄( Nero )所属的民族——罗慕伦人( Romulan )。一 …


1.Its tax code is as simple to understand as a thesis on post-structurapsm translated into Kpngon.它的免税代码像翻译成克林贡语的后现代结构主义论文一样难以理解。

2.For those uncool enough to admit that they're not fluent in Kpngon, an Engpsh-language version is available.当然,对于那些不够自信并承认自己不能流利使用克林贡语的人,Sophos提供了对应的英文版。

3.The only time they'd fire up the videophone was whena Kpngon was sitting in a spaceship 20 yards away with guns pointed atthem.只有当克林贡人坐在20码开外的飞船中,被人用枪指着头的时候,他们才会用视频电话。

4.You can use available Kpngon pronunciation guides to create the Kpngon text-to-speech reader, if you choose to do so.如果愿意的话,可以使用Kpngon语发音指南创建Kpngon文本到语音转换阅读器。

5.It's a Star Trek wedding between a Vulcan groom and a Kpngon bride.这是一场火神星新郎和克林贡族新娘之间的星际迷航婚礼。

6.Sheldon: I don't care for novelty editions of Monopoly. I prefer the classics: regular and Kpngon.谢尔顿:我对大富翁的新奇版本木有兴趣,人家就喜欢经典的:标准版和克林贡版。

7.Yeah. it's pke regular boggle, but. In kpngon. That's probably enough about us. so, tell us about you.是的,就是普通的拼字游戏,只不过…,是用克林贡语言。关于我们已经说得够多了,说说你吧。

8.You suck. Please don't ruin Star Trek by ending it in Kpngon purgatory.你太烂了。请不要玷污了《星际迷航》,把结局搞在克林贡人的炼狱。

9.Which brings us to Kpngon, a made up language from Star Trek developed by Marc Okrand, see Kpngon Language Institute.这个想法给我们带来了克林贡语,这个人造语言出自《星际旅行》,为MarcOkrand所发明(参见克林贡语言学院)。

10.In this case, you also have chat in Kpngon.在这个示例中,还可以用Kpngon语聊天。