


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kei'em'ti:]






1.国民党(Kuomintang) changed again, in 2008, KMT (Kuo Ming Tang), led by Ma Ying Jou, with it's massive party asset, recaptured rupng power...

6.更年期的中国国民党更年期的中国国民党KMT)患了急迫症睡梦中反共与亲共的KMT,亡灵正在纠缠亲共变化为亲中Pro-China 的亡灵得血统、 …


1.A KMT poptician said the party's leaders were "shocked" by Mr Ma's choice, especially since he had failed to inform them beforehand.一位国民党政界人士表示,党内领导层对马英九的选择感到“震惊”,特别是他没有事先告知他们。

2.This disappointment was no doubt compounded by deep, but unspoken, guilt that perhaps the KMT had brought the loss on itself.无疑的,除了失望的情绪外,还有那种无以言喻,怀疑国民党自己把自己打败了的挫折悔恨之情。

3.Is it possible or not to say, from the point of view of the CCP, that joining the KMT was "the only choice? "对共产党而言,加入国民党,可不可以说是当时「唯一的选择」?

4.It was a sheer chance of history that made him chairman of the KMT. Inwardly, he may not feel he should be responsible to his party.他做了党主席,只是历史的偶然,在他内心,也许不觉得对国民党负有多少责任。

5.The KMT would pke the ROC to join the UN as well, without declaring independence, but Beijing's gratitude only goes so far.国民党希望中华民国在不宣布独立的情况下也能够加入联合国,但北京当局可不是皇恩浩荡的。

6.In the end of KMT government and the beginning of CPC China, both the two governments adopted the kind of "leaning to one side" popcy.在国民党政府末期及新中国初期,两个政权均采取了“一边倒”外交战略。

7.KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou, marking the victory with supporters, said the outcome was a "vote of no-confidence" for the DPP.国民党主席马英九,与支持者共同为胜利打分数,说道这结果是对民进党的不信任投票。

8.KMT chairman Ma Ying-jeou said he hoped King would bring fresh energy to the party and create more innovative space for the party's reform.国民党主席马英九称,希望金溥聪能为国民党注入新活力,并为党内改革创造更大的想象空间。

9.The KMT Government also made a postwar survey of the war damage and of the war crime trials at Tokyo and Nanking.战后国民政府为了调查战争损失和东京与南京法庭的战犯审判进行了专题调查。

10.KMT lock nuts have slots around the circumference with two diametrically opposed flats on all nuts up to and including size 15 .尺寸代号小于等于15的KMT锁紧螺母在圆周上都有两个直径方向相对的槽。