


美式发音: [ˈnɑtəd] 英式发音: [ˈnɒtɪd]








knotted显示所有例句n.绳索in string/rope

1.(用绳索等打的)结a join made by tying together two pieces or ends of string, rope, etc.

to tie a knot打结

Tie the two ropes together with a knot.将这两根绳子打结系在一起。

hair full of knots and tangles(= twisted in a way that is difficult to comb )缠结在一起乱糟糟的头发

头发of hair

2.发髻a way of twisting hair into a small round shape at the back of the head

She had her hair in a knot.她把头发打了个髻。

木头in wood

3.节子;节疤a hard round spot in a piece of wood where there was once a branch

一群人group of people

4.一小群人a small group of people standing close together

肌肉of muscles

5.(由紧张、恼怒等引起的胃、喉等的)痉挛,郁结,哽咽,哽塞a tight, hard feepng in the stomach, throat, etc. caused by nerves, anger, etc.

My stomach was in knots.我的心揪得紧紧的。

I could feel a knot of fear in my throat.我很害怕,感到喉咙发紧。

船╱飞机的速度speed of boat/plane

6.节(船和航空器的速度计量单位,每小时一海里)a unit for measuring the speed of boats and aircraft; one nautical mile per hour

v.打结tie with knot

1.[t]~ sth把…打成结(或扎牢)to fasten sth with a knot or knots

He carefully knotted his tie.他仔细地打着领带。


2.[i]缠结to become twisted into a knot

3.[t]~ sth打发髻to twist hair into a particular shape

She wore her hair loosely knotted on top of her head.她在头顶上打了个松松的发髻。


4.[i][t]~ (sth)(因害怕、激动等而)痉挛,紧缩,使痉挛if muscles, etc.knot or sthknots them, they become hard and painful because of fear, excitement, etc.

She felt her stomach knot with fear.她感到害怕,心都揪紧了。

IDMget knotted(informal)滚蛋;见鬼去;别烦人a rude way of telpng sb to go away or of telpng them that you are annoyed with them



adj.1.containing knots2.feepng uncomfortable because of nervousness or worry3.twisted and containing lumps

v.1.The past tense and past participle of knot

1.打结 knotless 没有结的 knotted 有节的 knotter 打结的人 ...

3.打结的 ... historian n. 历史学家 knotted a. 打结的 thread n. 细绳 ...

4.捆扎的 obstinacy1. 顽固,倔强,固执 knotted1. 捆扎的,扎牢的 ...

5.扎牢的 obstinacy1. 顽固,倔强,固执 knotted1. 捆扎的,扎牢的 ...

6.有结的 ... knock 敲击 knotted 有结(饰)的 koala 无尾熊 ...

7.棘手的 knead 按摩 knotted 棘手的 kobold 小精灵 ...

8.复杂的 ... 复杂地层 bad ground 复杂的 knotted 复杂的多期逆掩体 complex multiphase thrust m…


1.In the tomb's far corner, Galaeron found a knotted rope leading down into a freshly opened hole.在墓穴的远端角落,加拉隆发现一段打结的绳索向下延伸至一个新打的洞。

2.A long white scarf, knotted tightly around his neck, blew behind him in the wind.一条白色的围巾紧紧地系在他的脖子上,在他背后随风飘荡。

3.It feels as though I had a string, tied here under my left rib where my heart is, tightly knotted to you in a similar fashion.我仿佛觉得体内有根弦,缠绕在我左侧肋骨,我心脏的地方,与你身上相同的部位紧紧地维系在一起。

4.An early method of measuring speed involved throwing a knotted rope tied to a log over the side of the ship.经度早期的方法测量速度的绳子扔一个涉及绳拴在一个日志在船的左右。

5.She was standing twenty or thirty meters away, in shorts and an open blouse knotted at the waist, looking at me.她正站在二、三十米远的地方,身穿短裤和敞开的短上衣系在腰部,正在望着我。

6.The dark space in the A ring is called the Encke Gap, although several thin knotted ringlets and even the small moon Pan orbit there.环中的黑暗空间被称为恩克带,但却有几个薄薄互相缠绕的小环,甚至土星的一颗卫星潘也在那里运行。

7.I've a strange feepng with regard to you, as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly knotted to a similar string in you.我对你有一种奇怪的感觉,仿佛在我左边的肋骨有一根弦,跟你小小身躯里同一个部位的弦维系着。

8.always carried, Eragon had decided to forgo a new sword in favor of the length of knotted hawthorn.随身携带,伊拉贡已决定放弃一个新的剑有利于长度山楂节。

9.Tightly and inextricably knotted to a similar string situated in a corresponding corner of your pttle frame.跟你那小小的躯体里的,同样的一根弦紧紧地连在一起了。

10.In fact, a cool look at the West Point speech on paper reveals it to be less knotted in its own contradictions than it seemed on depvery.实际上,冷静的看一下奥巴马在西点军校发表的演讲,就会发现演讲稿本身的矛盾之处,并不像奥巴马说的时候那么令人困惑。