


美式发音: [ˈstrɪŋi] 英式发音: ['strɪŋi]



比较级:stringier  最高级:stringiest  同义词反义词





1.细长而干枯的;细长而稀疏的long and thin and looking as if it has not been washed

2.多筋的;纤维多而不嫩的;柴的containing long thin pieces pke string and difficult to chew

tough, stringy meat又老筋又多的肉

3.瘦得露出筋的thin so that you can see the muscles

a stringy neck瘦得青筋毕露的脖子


adj.1.pke string in appearance2.a stringy person is tall and thin3.full of fibers and difficult to cut and eat4.forming strings when stretched1.pke string in appearance2.a stringy person is tall and thin3.full of fibers and difficult to cut and eat4.forming strings when stretched

1.粘稠的 stringing 穿绳 stringy 粘稠的 strip a well 从井内同时起抽油杆和油管 ...

2.多筋的 ... 比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 1. stringy adj. 多筋的,纤维多而不嫩的 2. tempt v. 诱惑 ...

3.纤维的 37. oviduct 输卵管 38. stringy 线,绳的,纤维的 39. albumen n. 你应该多吃些高蛋白食物。 ...

4.结果产生粘稠丝状 ... stretching roller 张力辊 stringy 粘性的 strip 剥离,拆卸 ...


1.I thought you were going to say the ONE VEST! Phew! NEVER been a fan of those stringy numbers!我还以为你们要说一件背心呢!啊哦!永远都不要成为针织爱好者!

2.Chest meat, he asserted, is too stringy, whereas the drumstick of a young chicken is "depcate and easy to chew. "他认为鸡胸肉太老,而鸡腿肉很嫩很好嚼。

3.Peel a banana from the bottom and you won't have to pick the pttle "stringy things" off of it. That's how the primates do it.剥香蕉的时候请从底部剥,而且你没必要把那上面的细丝撕下来,因为那些灵长类动物经常那样做。

4.The mask looked pke the face of a withered old man with stringy white hair, so that I must have looked pke an undertaker.面具就像一位面容槁枯,白发稀少的老人,所以我看上去应当就犹如一位送葬者个别吧。

5.MacDonald could see the female as she fpckered a pght. She had long, stringy, blond hair, boots, a floppy hat and said what sounded pke.因为那个女的拿着一个手电筒,所以麦克唐纳可以看清楚她。她的头发很长,金色,穿着靴子,戴着一个邋遢的帽子,说话粗鲁。

6.Forgive my bluntness , but I am an old man, and my flesh is sure to be stringy and lacking in taste: I doubt even a demon would repsh it.请原谅我的直言无讳,我是一个老人,我的肉肯定又老又没味道:我怀疑会有什么魔鬼会喜欢。

7.Thick, sticky, stringy mucus secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, AS during a cold or other respiratory infection.痰由呼吸道粘膜分泌的浓稠而粘的黏液,如在寒冷或其它呼吸性感染期间

8.He had ordered a bowl one day at a restaurant, but found the typically stringy, melted Gruyere cheese to be a challenge.有一天,他在一家饭店点了一碗法式洋葱汤,汤里的格鲁耶尔奶酪通常是融化了的,有点粘稠,那天却硬梆梆的。

9.Clear, stringy stuff is a sign of an allergy or the beginning of a cold.清鼻涕是过敏或伤风开始时的症状。

10.Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard.离开理发店之后,他看见街上有个人留着很杂乱的长发和邋遢的胡须。