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网络释义:韩国(Korea);氪(krypton);韩国船级社(Korean Register)


abbr.1.【物】(=kiloroentgen)2.【化】(=krypton)元素氪的符号3.(=king's rook)(国际象棋中与“王”同列配置的)车

abbr.1.[Physics](=kiloroentgen)2.[Chemistry](=krypton)3.(=king's rook)

1.韩国(Korea) zh_TW 中文 (台湾) ko_KR 韩文 (大韩民国) 作者: 车东 chedongbigfoot网址被屏蔽 ...

7.千伦琴 微雷姆 μrem 千伦琴 kR 毫伦琴 mR ...


1.KR: I don't know, if you tell me how much fuel they run, then I can tell you!我不知道。如果你告诉我他们是带了多少油在跑,我才能告诉你答案!

2.KR: For sure everybody has been working hard. They have been trying to find the reasons for the problems, but we only had a few days.肯定的是大家都很卖力地工作,他们试图找到问题的原因,但是我们只有短短的几天。

3.KR: pke I said we hoped to have more, but we are in the situation we are in and it was the best solution.就像我说的我们希望能多跑几圈,但是既然处在这种状况之下,这是最好的解决方法。

4.KR: I think so, if you look at past years the clean side of the circuit seems to be the better place to start.是的,如果你看看过去几年的比赛就会发现赛道上干净的一边更适于起步。

5.Based on this, this article is trying to use a simple method to get new KR-resistance curve in three-point bending concrete beams. 1.针对这点,本文尝试用一种简化方法计算混凝土三点弯曲梁的新KR阻力曲线。

6."Germany lagged the rest of Europe coming out of the last recession, " says Jö rg Krä mer, chief economist at Commerzbank.“德国在上次萧条后的恢复过程中落后于欧洲的其他国家”商业银行首席经济学家JörgKrämer如是说。

7.KR: It is only a test, but it is winter. We did well yesterday and good today so far.这只是试车而已,但现在是冬天。昨天和今天我们做得都不错。

8.KR: I think we are going to get more parts for the next test and I'm pretty positive that it's going to change things quite a lot.我认为在下一次测试中我们会有更多的收获,会有很多改变的地方,对此我很乐观。

9.KR: I think someone else is going to try it tomorrow or in the last day. It is not next year so there is no reason to try now.我想明天或是最后一天会有人对此进行测试的,还没到明年,没有理由现在就尝试。

10.KR: Usually when it's been hot it's been good for us but the last few races have been quite up and down for us.KR:通常来说越热对我们越有利,但是最近机场比赛我们的起伏很大。