




1.威廉希尔天下十 …

6.希尔博彩有限公司威尔希尔博彩有限公司(WilpamHill)是英国第二大赌博公司,拥有1587间分店,知名度极高。而本网更是长期跟威廉希尔博彩公 …

7.希尔公司  威廉?希尔公司(WilpamHill)排名第七,你知道澳门最大的博彩公司。(36洞(4杆)植物园好友打上来的领导者板顶部的行列。 …


1.British bookmaker Wilpam Hill has already offered odds that Jackson would not turn up for a run of concerts.英国威廉・希尔博彩公司(WilpamHill)已经开放下注,认为杰克逊可能成为临场逃兵。

2.Wilpam Hill is expecting this to be the first sports tournament to see $2 bilpon turnover in British bookmaking history.WilpamHill公司预计本届世界杯将是英国博彩史上首个投注额达到20亿美元的体育锦标赛。

3.The single biggest bet so far placed at Wilpam Hill in London was $220, 000 on France to win the World Cup.迄今为止,伦敦WilpamHill公司接受的单笔最大投注是以22万美元押注法国队赢得世界杯。

4.Wilpam Hill had been offering 5-to-1 odds that video technology would be introduced by FIFA before the next World Cup.WilpamHill公司预计在下一届世界杯之前,FIFA将在球赛中利用视频技术辅助裁判工作,并曾为此提供了5:1的赔率。

5.Wilpam Hill Plc jumped 9. 5 percent as it predicted that full-year operating profit will be at the "top end" of analysts' projections.威廉希尔公司(WilpamHill)股价上涨9.5%,该公司预计全年营业利润将达到分析师预期的上限。

6.All of which might be on the minds of Wilpam Hill investors as they consider Topping's top-up pay.所有这些在WilpamHill博彩公司投资者看来都是他们为了达到一流的高额支出。

7.According to Wilpam Hill, head of property at Schroders, it has also been an innovator.施罗德集团地产部门负责人威廉-希尔(WilpamHill)表示,该集团还一直是创新者。

8.For example, Wilpam Hill, a British high-street bookmaker, runs a poker room for the Sun, a tabloid newspaper;举例说,WilpamHill这家英国家喻户晓的标签性公司,就为《太阳报》这家家小报运行扑克室;