


美式发音: ['krɪptənaɪt] 英式发音: ['krɪptənaɪt]





1.氪(仅存在于超人等故事中的化学元素,超人若接近此元素即丧失超常能力)a chemical element that exists only in stories, especially in stories about Superman, a character with special powers which he loses when he is near to kryptonite

1.氪石 Absinth-Minded 苦艾酒的思念 Kryptonite 超人原素 Moranguito 玛兰奇多 ...


6.克利普顿石又还是克利普顿石(kryptonite)尚存人间?唉, 真是傻瓜, 为甚麽不开始享受和自己独处的自在和快乐?


1.Their kryptonite: The best way not to get stung is to leave them alone.它们的余害:最好的不被叮咬的办法就是远离它们。

2.Even when he's forced to hurl an entire continent made out of deadly Kryptonite into space, Superman bounces back from the brink of death.就算他被迫向宇宙扔下一颗由致命的氪星碎片制成的一块大陆大小的炸弹,超人还是能从死亡边缘逃脱。

3.superman i got the kryptonite, should i smack him with my dick and the mic?超人,我得到了氪,我应该打他与我的迪克和麦克?。

4.In Dwight Howard's case, kryptonite comes in the form of foul trouble, free throws and frustration.超人霍华德,总是陷入犯规麻烦,糟糕的罚球是他无法飞翔的主要原因。

5.Like Achilles without his heel or Superman without kryptonite, a computer without any pmitations would get boring pretty quickly.这就像如果阿奇里斯没有脚踵的弱点,或者超人没有氪石的罩门,没有任何限制的电脑很快就会变得十分无趣。

6.Their kryptonite: The best defense is not letting them near skin.它们的余害:最好的反击式不要让它们靠近皮肤。

7.Dana, I've been through alcohol, marriage, and network television. If you want to kill me, you're gonna need kryptonite.黛娜,我已经经历了酒精,婚姻,还有电视网,算得上曾经沧海啦,你要真想干掉我,可能去弄点绿氪石才行。

8.But China is vulnerable to the same Kryptonite that has hurt countless other economies: credit.但一个曾经给无数其他经济体造成严重冲击的致命问题,同样也容易影响到中国。这个问题就是信贷。

9.The danger, of course, is that true happiness might be her kryptonite.而这样做的危险,当然就是真正的幸福也许将成为她的毒药。

10.Their kryptonite: There's no silver bullet when it comes to putting off these pests.它们的余害:没有特效药可以消灭这些害虫。