


美式发音: [sɪlk] 英式发音: [sɪlk]






1.[u](蚕)丝fine soft thread produced by silkworms

2.[u]丝织物;丝绸a type of fine smooth cloth made from silk thread

a silk blouse女式丝绸衬衫

silk stockings长筒丝袜

made of pure silk纯丝做的

Her skin was as smooth as silk .她的皮肤像丝绸一样光滑。

3.[u](用于缝纫的)丝线silk thread used for sewing

4.[pl]丝绸衣服(尤指骑师在赛马时穿的彩色赛马衫)clothes made of silk , especially the coloured shirts worn by people riding horses in a race(= jockeys )

5.[c]王室律师;王室法律顾问a type of lawyer who represents the government(= a King's/Queen's counsel )

to take silk(= to become this type of lawyer)担任王室律师


n.1.thin smooth cloth made from the fibers produced by an insect called a silkworm; made of silk; the thread used for making silk2.the bright colored shirt worn by a jockeysomeone who rides a horse in a race

1.丝 麻 Linen silk 棉 Cotton ...

2.丝绸 丝虫病〖 arioses;filariasis〗 丝绸silkcloth;silk〗 丝绸之路〖 theSilkRoad〗 ...

3.蚕丝 AL:Alpaca 羊驼毛 S:Silk 真丝 J:Jute 黄麻 ...

5.诡丝 silent a. 无声的,无对话的 silk n. (蚕)丝,丝织品 silly a. 傻的,愚蠢的 ...


1.He had set his silk umbrella by the door, Soapy entered the store, took the umbrella, and went out with it slowly.他把伞放在门旁,小王进了烟店,拿起雨伞,慢慢地走出去。

2.Market as a whole a week long silk curtain cloth prices remained stable, price promotional prices or variety is only a few.一周市场整体长丝窗帘布价格仍然稳定为主,降价促销或涨价品种仅在少数。

3.Edgar : I got it! A tuxedo, silk hat. . . and. . . a rose in his teeth!艾德:就这样!燕尾服,真丝帽子,恩,还有插一朵玫瑰花在他的牙中(火光:……)

4.It was a dark purple silk dress, with an amazing assortment of bright-color ribbons sawn to the hem at the bottom.那是件深紫色丝质洋装,下摆伴随令人惊讶的亮彩缎带分流蜿蜒在缝边处。

5.Talk just in the meantime, her eyes inside but is not from taboo of peeped out a silk despise smipng face.只是,Moncler,说话的同时,她眼里却是不自禁的露出了一丝不屑笑容。

6.It was a lovely night, so warm that he threw his coat over his arm and did not even put his silk scarf round his throat.那是个宜人的夜晚,暖暖的,于是他把外套搭在手臂上,连丝巾也没围上。

7.The engine began to act up and he thought he would have to hit the silk.引擎开始失灵,他心想非要跳伞降落不可。

8.Whether opening foreign affairs or scalping raw silk with his over 10, 000, 000Lian cash, he did not know which one to choose.他手握1000万两以上的巨额现金,是去办洋务,还是倒卖生丝,竟一时踌躇。

9.Among the dowry items, besides silk stuff, there must be a pair of young mulberry trees, silkworm and egg sheets.嫁妆里,除了丝织品,必须要有两颗桑树幼苗,蚕和卵纸。

10.A charcoal silk cape looked as if it was made of bubble wrap.一种竹炭丝斗篷看起来像是用泡沫做的似的。