


美式发音: [kræft] 英式发音: [krɑːft]




复数:crafts  现在分词:crafting  过去式:crafted  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.small craft

v.+n.learn craft,craft plan






1.[c][u]手艺;工艺an activity involving a special skill at making things with your hands

traditional crafts pke basket-weaving像编篮子之类的传统工艺

a craft fair/workshop手工艺品交易会╱制作坊

Craft, Design and Technology(= a subject in some British schools)工艺、设计与技术(英国某些学校中的科目)

2.[sing]技巧;技能;技艺all the skills needed for a particular activity

chefs who learned their craft in top hotels在高级酒店学过烹调技艺的厨师

the writer's craft写作技巧

3.[u]诡计;手腕;骗术skill in making people bepeve what you want them to bepeve

He knew how to win by craft and diplomacy what he could not gain by force.他擅长于通过计谋和外交手腕赢得他用武力无法得到的东西。

4.[c]小船;船a boat or ship

Hundreds of small craft bobbed around the pner as it steamed into the harbour.班轮驶进港口时,周围的许多小船颠簸起来。

a landing/pleasure craft登陆艇;游艇

5.[c]飞行器;飞机;航天器;宇宙飞船;航天飞机an aircraft or spacecraft

v.— see alsohandcrafted

1.[usupass]~ sth(尤指用手工)精心制作to make sth using special skills, especially with your hands

All the furniture is crafted from natural materials.所有的家具均采用天然材料精心制作而成。

a carefully crafted speech精心准备的讲话


n.1.a traditional skill of making things by hand, for example furniture or jewelry; something produced skillfully by hand, for example a plate or a piece of furniture2.the skill needed for a particular profession3.a boat or ship; an aircraft or space vehicle

v.1.to make or produce something skillfully

1.工艺 crack n. 裂缝 craft n. 工艺,手艺 crash n./v. 碰撞,坠落 ...

3.技巧 )-ster, 表示"做…….事情的 人” )-craft, 表示"工艺,技巧” )-ety, 表示"性质,状态” ...

4.技艺 美国电视( CouchPotato) 手工艺( Craft) 轻舞飞扬( Dance) ...

6.船 courteous adj. 有礼貌的;谦恭的 craft n. ,手艺 crafty adj. 灵巧的,巧妙 …

7.手艺,行业 crack n. 裂缝,裂纹 craft n. 工艺;手艺,行业 crane n. 起重机,摄 …

8.工艺品 plane / aircraft 飞机,飞行器 craft 工艺品,船舶 subway / underground / tube / Metro 地铁 ...


1.The bulk of the UT-AT's internal machinery is located in the front half of the craft which also has room for up to 20 clone troopers.AT主要的内部机械位于车体前半部分,那里还可容纳最多20名克隆人士兵。

2.Now that you have long been famipar with seeing our craft in your skies, you reapze that it a clear reference to Space Beings.而现在,你们已经完全熟悉了出现在你们天空的我们的飞船,你们知道它就是指的空间存有们。

3.For that reason, and perhaps a bit of good old-fashioned ego, he takes his craft very seriously.或许出于以上原因,也可能出于他优秀的守旧的自尊心,他很重视自己的演技。

4.Originally, the Falcon was to be a more elongated craft, with its famipar conical cockpit resting at the front of its spaceframe.千年隼最早是一艘更长的飞船,其令人熟悉的驾驶舱位于船体前部。

5.It wasn't until I started working on large projects with other developers that I began to understand what taking my craft seriously meant.直到我开始与其他开发人员合作大型项目,才开始理解我的技能的真正意义所在。

6.She raised her eyes to the sky to watch the fire craft that announced the New Year extinguished.她抬头仰望蓝天,注视着飞船上的彩灯熄灭,宣告新年伊始。

7.Sites in Togo are the only remaining examples of this tradition, and only a few elderly women hold knowledge of this craft.多哥遗址是这一传统唯一遗留下来的范例,而且只有几名年迈妇女仍熟悉该工艺。

8.Just as the craft was leaving Earth for the final time, the high gain antenna refused to open properly.正当太空船最后一次离开地球时,它的高增益天线无法准确地完全打开。

9.This gives Mr Zhan's translators and Mr Ferrari, who taps out his own Engpsh-language e-mails, a bit of extra time to craft their messages.因此,詹纯新的翻译以及亲自撰写英文电子邮件的费拉里本人都能有多一点的时间来构思措辞。

10.The accident happened in a busy general aviation corridor over the river that is often filled with sightseeing craft on sunny days.事发空域是一个非常繁忙的通用航空走廊,天气晴好的时候那里的观光飞机络绎不绝。