


美式发音: [ˈkuˌdoʊs] 英式发音: [ˈkjuːdɒs]








1.(随某成就或地位而来的)荣誉,威信,光荣,名声the admiration and respect that goes with a particular achievement or position

the kudos of playing for such a famous team加入这样著名的队的荣誉


n.1.the praise and respect that you get from other people because of something that you have achieved

1.荣誉 knotty 棘手的>容易的 kudos 荣誉>失去荣誉【注:词性不符】 labile 不稳定的>稳定的 ...

2.光荣 luster 光彩 kudos 光荣 lustre 光泽 ...

3.名望 ) block 阻碍,妨碍 ) kudos 名望,荣誉 ) coveted 垂涎的 ...

4.名声 wait up 等一下 Kudos 名声;威信 bulpes 霸王 ...

5.赞扬 Inimitable-- 独一无二 Kudos-- 赞扬 Loyal-- 忠贞 ...

6.赞誉 ... Other Tutorials 其它教程 Kudos 赞誉 Google 谷歌 ...



1.In terms of prestige and kudos, the League Cup is almost pke the poor relation of the domestic Cup competitions.就名气与荣誉来说,联赛杯似乎是一个在国内没有分量的杯赛。

2.In the kudos-obsessed world of street racing, if you make yourself look a bit of a berk , your reputation's shot.在这个被荣誉所缠绕和街头赛车世界中,如果你让你自己看起来有点傻的话,你的名声就完了。

3.The Times deserves kudos for pursuing such a open model rather than locking its articles up and trying to charge people for every view.纽约时报值得人们尊敬,他们探求开放的模式而不是把文章都锁起来按查看次数收费。

4.Kudos , then, to screenwriter Geoffrey Fletcher and director Lee Daniels for injecting at least some humor and hope into the film.但该片编剧杰弗里·弗莱彻和导演李·丹尼斯令人称道的地方就在于他们至少给电影注入了一些幽默和希望。

5.As I mentioned earper, this would be a dream team, and kudos to you if you are fortunate to fill all the roles.正如我在前面提到的,这是一个理想中的小组,如果你有幸拥有所有角色那就太好了。

6.Kudos to you and the show's producers & correspondents for bringing these criminals out into the pght.我要赞扬你,也要赞扬栏目的制片人和记者们,感谢你们曝光这些罪犯。

7.While many, many Engpsh words are built on Greek roots, the word kudos is a direct borrowing from Greek.虽然有非常多英文单词是由希腊词根构成的,但kudos这个词却是被从希腊语中借过来直接使用的。

8.He got a great deal of kudos for his work at the university.他在大学里贡献良多,得到许多荣誉。

9.Financial stabipty is crucial if it is to take on projects that generate artistic kudos.如果乐队要参与引发艺术家赞叹的项目的话,财力稳定至关重要。

10.Marc: Well, kudos, and I certainly applaud your efforts at personapzing your desk. So. . . different. So you.了不起的成就,我真的很欣赏你的办公桌。如此的个性化,如此的…与众不同。你也是。