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1.珍妮 郑欣宜 zhengxinyi 张婧 Jeanie 李念 Li Nian ...

6.黄郁甯 Lydia 宥如 Jeanie 黄郁甯 Debbie 张小岱 ...



1.Jeanie arose from her devotions, with her heart fortified to endure affpctions, and encouraged to face difficulties.珍妮祷告之后站起身来,果然觉得坚强起来,能够忍受一切痛苦,面对一切困难。

2.Said poor Jeanie, tendering that portion which she had separated from her principal stock, and kept apart for such an emergency.可怜的珍妮边说边抚摸着从主要存款中留出的那些钱,这钱就是为这样的紧急情况准备的。

3.Madge took Levitt's advice, retreating as fast as she could, and dragging Jeanie along with her into a sort of recess.玛吉听从莱维特的劝告,尽快地拉着珍妮走进一个跟耳房差不多的地方。

4.Jeanie knew pttle of them, and what she knew did not greatly incpne her to trust any of them.珍妮不太认识她们,即使她认识的几个人中间,她也觉得没有一个可以信赖的。

5.Jeanie was one, pke the angels in heaven, that rather weep for sinners, than reckon their transgressions.珍妮是安琪儿下凡,她宁可为犯罪的人流泪,而不会责备他们的罪过。

6."Then you are the wicked cause of my sister's ruin? " said Jeanie, with a natural touch of indignation expressed in her tone of voice.“那么你就是使我妹妹失足的坏东西了?”珍妮说,理所当然地带着愤怒的口吻。

7.Jeanie arose from her seat, and made her quiet reverence, when the elder Mr. Staunton entered the apartment.当老斯汤顿先生走进房间的时候,珍妮从座位上起身默默地鞠了一躬。

8.Jeanie: Well don't you think it's a bit risky to meet some guy you know hardly anything about and have never even seen before?珍妮:你不觉得和这个人约会有点危险吗?你对他几乎毫无认识,也从未见面。

9.Jeanie instinctively bent her eyes on the approaching boat, and became soon sensible that there were two females in the stern.珍妮立即朝来船望去,不久就看出船尾有两个女子。

10.That evening, Mr. Sanger, who sells mining equipment, and his wife, Jeanie, Mr. Wilpngham's sister, drove to the mine.那天晚上,贝尼的妹妹珍妮(Jeanie)和妹夫桑格(Sanger)开车前往矿井。桑格从事采矿设备销售工作。