


美式发音: [ˌʌnˈtʌtʃt] 英式发音: [ʌnˈtʌtʃt]








1.~ (by sth)未受影响;未被损害;原封未动not affected by sth, especially sth bad or unpleasant; not damaged

The area has remained relatively untouched by commercial development.相对而言,这个地区至今没有受到商业开发的影响。

2.未食用(或饮用);未动not eaten or drunk

She left her meal untouched.她的饭连动都没动。

3.未改变;未修改not changed in any way

The final clause in the contract will be left untouched.合同的最后一项条款将不作改动。


adj.1.not harmed or spoiled; not changed2.a meal that is untouched has not been eaten

1.无动于衷 ... C.hurt( 受伤) D.untouched无动于衷) A. The Fearless Mother( 无 …

2.未触及的 untouchable 贱民 untouched 未触及的 untoward 麻烦的 ...

3.原封不动 原封〖 withthesealunbroken〗 原封不动untouched〗 原稿〖 originalmanuscript;mastercopy …

4.没有动过的 ... unnoticed adj. 不引人注意的, 被忽视的 untouched adj. 未触及的; 没有动过的 so that 可以引导目的和结果状语从句 ...

5.未提及的 unto 至;到 untouched 未提及的 untrue 不确实的 ...

6.未触动过的 ... consolation n.安慰,慰问 四级词汇 untouched a.原样的;未触动过的 六级词汇 guidance n.向导,指导,领导 四级 …


8.未被论及的 concentrate v. 集中;全神贯注 untouched adj. 未被论及的;未提及的 homage n. 尊敬, …


1.We practiced it a couple of more times until I felt sure Rabin's cheek would remain untouched.我们又练习了两三次,直到我确信拉宾的面颊不会被碰到。

2.My need to see a part of the world untouched by human beings had turned my trip into a complete disaster .我想要去发现这世上一部分未被人类触碰过的地方的想法却是我的旅行变成了一个完完全全的灾难。

3.They bloom with an eternal freshness that seems untouched by time, as though they had been inspired by an unfading spirit of youth.似乎一股未经时光触碰的永恒的清新令它们生机勃发,好似一种永不消退的青春气息在激励着它们。

4.As a child, I imagined a wild place to be somewhere remote, somewhere I could look out to a horizon untouched by human hand.小时候,我幻想大自然是一个遥远的地方,那个地方延续到地平线,没有任何人类的痕迹。

5.All we've got to do, - it'll be extra work - is to make sure that these engines remain sealed and are untouched.所有我们需要做的就是确保引擎的保持密闭状态,没有被触碰。

6.Yet a prize is as pkely to be within sight of a popular trail or highway as hidden in an untouched grove.但是无论是在经常通过的小径或高速公路上,或者是未走过的小树林都同样可能发现一个“赏赐”。

7.She struggled out to see bands, or visit restaurants with friends, where she would order meals which she left untouched.她挣扎着出去看乐队演出,或者和朋友们去餐馆吃饭,在那里她点菜,最后一口也没有吃。

8.Scientists have worked out why mosquitoes make a beepne for certain people but appear to leave others almost untouched.科学家已经研究出来,为什麽蚊子会直冲某些人而去,对其他人却几乎敬谢不敏。

9.Sara sits alone at a bar, her eyes fixated on the untouched glass of scotch in front of her.Sara独自坐在一家酒吧内,双眼注视身前的一杯还未喝过的苏格兰威士忌。

10.And since marginal rates would be untouched (or reduced), such a reform would do less to discourage them from creating wealth.此外,由于边际税率依然与原先持平(或降低),这项改革将不会阻碍他们创造财富。